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Woman left speechless after receiving late mom’s stitched message — the moment she saw it, she broke down

After the woman lost her mom, her friend decided to give something that holds meaning in her family.

Woman left speechless after receiving late mom’s stitched message — the moment she saw it, she broke down
(L) A woman holding a purse and looking at it. (M) A woman was taken by surprise. (R) A woman is getting emotional. (Cover Image Source: YouTube | @goodmorningamerica)

Sometimes, the people closest to us find the most heartwarming ways to comfort us in times of loss. That is what happened when Giuliana La Porte's (@giulianalaporte) best friend, Mary Kate Borner (@marykate_borner), turned their annual Secret Santa exchange into a deeply personal and emotional tribute to La Porte's late mom, as reported by Good Morning America (GMA). She lost her mom in 2024, making the holidays an especially tough time. But Borner, who had been friends with La Porte for years, knew how important butterflies were to her, and she wanted to incorporate them into her gift.

A person holding green and red boxes on her back - Representative Image Source: Pexels  | RDNE Stock project
A person holding green and red boxes on her back - Representative Image Source: Pexels | RDNE Stock project

Butterflies had long been a special symbol for La Porte and her mom, stemming from a touching moment years ago. In a video capturing the story shared by GMA, Borner explained, "Giuliana lost her mom this past summer, and she and her mom, like even before her mom was sick or anything, they always had this connection to butterflies because a butterfly landed on Giuliana's mom's stomach when she was pregnant with her." From then on, butterflies became a symbol of their bond, representing love, connection, and comfort. Borner added that she had seen La Porte wearing butterflies for as long as she had known her.

When Borner drew La Porte's name for their Secret Santa exchange, she decided this was the perfect opportunity to honor her friend and the memory of her mom. Instead of buying a generic gift, she wanted to create something deeply meaningful. She purchased a purse and enlisted the help of Emily (@gordomade), an artist, to paint it with vibrant butterfly designs. But Borner did not stop there. She also included a note written by La Porte's late mom before her passing. There was no hesitation—she knew exactly how to channel her friend's memories into something meaningful. Borner worked on creating a design inspired by the note and La Porte's connection to butterflies. 

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Borner had the words of the note stitched into the purse, turning it into a keepsake that would forever carry her mom's presence. She explained how the note inspired the idea. When the design was complete, Borner revealed her excitement in the video, showing the stitched note inside the purse. "It literally looks exactly like the picture that she had on her Instagram," she said. When La Porte discovered the stitched note inside the purse, it brought the moment to a whole new level.

La Porte couldn't hold back her tears as she realized the words from her mom had been carefully included. "It's a note from my mom," she responded. She further asked, "Oh my god. Who did this?" Borner responded, "It was me." La Porte, touched by the thoughtfulness and love that had gone into the gift, hugged her friend tightly. This carefully planned gift resonated deeply with those who saw it. 


However, it is not the only time people go above and beyond to honor others while giving their Secret Santa gifts. In another touching story, Nate Eaton of East Idaho News (@Eastidnews on YouTube) and some kind elves decided to drop by the home of Kent and Marlene, a deaf couple, with heartwarming cheer and gifts. The video showed the elderly couple warmly welcoming unexpected guests to their home. The beautifully wrapped box given to the couple by Eaton and the elves contained $1,000 worth of gas cards and $2,000 worth of grocery cards for use at Fred Meyer. The deaf couple was recognized for their dedication to serving the local community. Besides, Eaton announced another gift for the couple—a check worth $1 million, signed and ready for them.

One woman hugging another woman- Representative Image Source: Pexels | cottonbro studio
One woman hugging another woman- Representative Image Source: Pexels | cottonbro studio

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