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Woman spooked after getting creepy text from stranger who saw her luggage tag at the airport

A man somehow got hold of the woman's phone number printed on her luggage tag and texted her, leaving the woman concerned for her safety.

Woman spooked after getting creepy text from stranger who saw her luggage tag at the airport
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @kir.a.lo

A lot of people leave the airports with some interesting story to tell. But one woman had a creepy encounter with another passenger and now she is issuing a public service announcement for folks to stay alert and safe at the airport. In a video, Kirsten, who goes by @kir.a.lo on TikTok, shared her uncomfortable experience at the airport when a stranger got access to her private information. She was waiting at the airport during her layover when the unsettling incident took place and she posted her video to sum up what went down.

Image Source: TikTok | @kir.a.lo
Image Source: TikTok | @kir.a.lo

"I’m at the airport and the creepiest thing just happened to me,” Kristen says as she appears to walk through the terminal. “I’m sitting there on my layover and I get this text.” She then shows the screenshot of a text she received from a stranger. “Hi, Kristen. My name is Nate. I saw you and thought you were so beautiful so I had to find a way to talk to you. I saw your number on your luggage tag and decided to text you. I promise this isn’t as weird as it seems! Give a guy a chance?" the alarming text message read.

“Give a guy a chance?" she exclaims. "First of all, he spelled my name wrong. Second of all, if he wanted to talk to me so badly, why didn’t he come up and talk to me like a normal human being? This just feels like such an invasion of privacy. I have no idea who this guy is. I didn’t notice a guy looking at me or anything." Her next concern was that her address was also on her luggage tag. “I’m extra weirded out because I have my address on my luggage tag so he could potentially know where I live now,” Kirsten mentions. “PSA to everyone out there: Turn your luggage tag inside out so that your personal information isn’t visible and PSA to all creepers: do better.”

Image Source: TikTok | @kir.a.lo
Image Source: TikTok | @kir.a.lo

The comments section was equally weirded out by the guy's creepy action and left a few pieces of advice for Kirsten. @2hrbs reasoned, "He might have been a bit shy and was nervous about directly talking to you. He probably isn't a threat at all, but one never knows." @auroraandphilly shared, "Crazy. My luggage tag just has my name, Google Voice number and email. No address. I have it facing down usually and I have one that has a cover and opens up to see the info."

Image Source: TikTok | @frozenkas
Image Source: TikTok | @frozenkas

@buffaliciousness suggested, "Never put your address on your luggage tag. It’s unnecessary. Only phone number and when the airport calls you then you can give the address!" @madglama shared, "I grew up in NJ where attendants pump gas for you and one time an attendant followed me on IG because he got my name on my debit card that I paid with." @daniellemjoyce joked, "Whew thank you for validating this fear of mine/my decision to take my HOME ADDRESS off my luggage tag!" @ash.nella added, "This is why I only have luggage tags with covers. Also just do phone, email and city for tag. Also never have anything with my initials monogrammed."

You can follow Kirsten (@kir.a.lo)on TikTok for more videos on lifestyle.

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