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Woman makes hilariously sarcastic presentation on weird things that got her in trouble at toxic job

In a hilarious series of videos, a woman shares strange incidents at her former toxic workplace that caused her troubles.

Woman makes hilariously sarcastic presentation on weird things that got her in trouble at toxic job
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @maddyblythe

Some workplaces are becoming more and more toxic with every passing day. Many employees are coming forward to share their horror stories of the absurd challenges they face in their workplace. Maddy Blythe–who goes by the username @maddyblythe on TikTok–shared two videos where she shared a hilariously sarcastic presentation about the things she got in trouble for at her former finance job. The post captioned, "Good riddance" has gained 348.6K views and 28K likes on the platform.

Image Source: TikTok/@maddyblythe
Image Source: TikTok | @maddyblythe

She begins the video by showing her viewers a presentation on her laptop. Blythe states the first absurd thing about being on time for a team meeting. She hilariously remarks, "As a junior, I should have been at least 5 minutes early." The next one was that she wrote words in bold in an email, which led to her employers suggesting that it was disrespectful on her part to "assume" that she knew better than the readers as to what were the crucial parts in the mail. Blythe continued with her presentation and different points, with each one seeming more absurd than the other.

Image Source: TikTok/@maddyblythe
Image Source: TikTok | @maddyblythe

The third mistake she made was when she accidentally cut off a part of an image when she was copying and pasting it, even though it was an internal draft. She reveals how the small mistake put her "reputation at risk." Her fourth mistake was when she did not attend a meeting, which she was never invited to in the first place. She comments in an ironic tone, "I obviously should have looked at my boss's calendar and known that that was a meeting I was supposed to attend."

Image Source: TikTok/@maddyblythe
Image Source: TikTok | @maddyblythe

Her first video concludes with her stating that her final mistake was not replying to an official mail within 30 minutes while on vacation, which turned out to be "straight-up disrespectful" of her. The video did well and Blythe decided to do a follow-up video where she shared more weird things she faced at her toxic finance job. She writes in the caption, "Y'all have reminded me of so many more things I got in trouble for. Thank you sincerely. I hope this can be a huge learning opportunity for everyone."

Image Source: TikTok/@maddyblythe
Image Source: TikTok | @maddyblythe

She doesn't waste any time in the second video and begins sharing the things she faced trouble with. The first was her mistake of not CC'ing email recipients by order of their seniority. She adds, "And clearly, I've never heard the saying, 'Respect your elders.'" Blythe then moves on to the second one, where she left the office at 7 PM despite having worked in the office till 3 AM the previous night.

Image Source: TikTok/@maddyblythe
Image Source: TikTok | @maddyblythe

The third mistake was when she pointed out a spelling mistake even though she was specifically asked to check for errors in a document. She says, "By pointing them out I was clearly undermining my colleague's competence. I should have dropped subtle hints instead to make them realize that there was a spelling mistake."

Image Source: TikTok/@maddyblythe
Image Source: TikTok/@maddyblythe

Her final mistake was when she wasn't "social enough." But her colleagues talked to each other in a language she didn't understand, so it was difficult for her to make small talk. She says, "I should have learned the language and joined into more conversation." Blythe concluded her video by thanking everybody for listening and imploring others to learn from her mistakes.

Image Source: TikTok/@maddyblythe
Image Source: TikTok/@maddyblythe

People on the platform loved the videos and shared their thoughts in the comment section. @millenial.core said, "I gave advice to my clients and my boss told me off 'cause he wasn't the one giving it, so he looked bad." @drmagic2 commented, "I guess this is the catch when you obtain a six-figure salary job right out of university. At least your PowerPoint presentation skills paid off!"

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