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Woman hilariously highlights major differences in Gen Z and Millennial lifestyles

Gen Z and millennials grew up in different environments and here are some of the examples of how it affected their lifestyle and day-to-day activities.

Woman hilariously highlights major differences in Gen Z and Millennial lifestyles
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @_katyelliot

The differences between various generations have never failed to spark relatable jokes on the internet. When the older generation is still stuck in nostalgia at times, the younger generation is desperate to make them learn about modern lingo and technologies. Katy Elliot—who goes by @_katyelliot on TikTok—made a hilarious video to illustrate the age gap between millennials and Gen Z and sure enough, every millennial and Gen Z was able to relate to it.

Image Source: TikTok | @_katyelliot
Image Source: TikTok | @_katyelliot

Elliot gives examples of how Gen Z acts or talks in their day-to-day lives compared to their older generation. A person who is filming Elliot and a Gen Z girl throws a situation at them where they are asked to show they picked up a phone to answer someone's call. Elliot picks the old-fashioned way of receiving up a regular landline phone and makes the shape by sticking out her thumb and pinky while pretending it is a phone. However, the Gen Z girl places her hand against her ear, her fingers are almost flat against her head which resembles how people hold their smartphones.

As Gen Z disconnected her phone by mimicking the actions of hitting the power button, the millennial put down her old-fashioned receiver like they used to do with corded landlines. “How do you make a heart with your hands?” the woman behind the camera asks. The millennial uses all her fingers to form the heart shape whereas the Gen Z girl uses only four fingers. “How would you take a picture of me, from here?” they are questioned yet again.

Image Source: TikTok | @_katyelliot
Image Source: TikTok | @_katyelliot

While the millennial mimicked the movements of an actual camera, the Gen Z just clicked an imaginary picture with her smartphone. The next thing they did was demonstrate how they roll down a car window. The millennial can be seen doing it manually by working the lever and the Gen Z simply hits a button to roll down the windows. Most of these differences between the two generations are brought upon by the advancement in technology over the years. The last thing the duo on camera did was get up from their chairs to show the outfits they were wearing.

Predictably enough, the millennial had their favorite skinny jeans on and the Gen Z girl had a baggy and ripped-up pair of jeans reminding everyone of the bygone era of grunge culture. for those who are still confused about Gen Z, this is a term used to describe those who were born after 1997. Even though there is the newest Generation Alpha that we need to watch out for, the debates and comparisons between millennials and Gen Z will forever be superior. At least, that's what the TikTok comment section of Elliot's video proved.

Image Source: TikTok | @kayd_98
Image Source: TikTok | @kayd_98
Image Source: TikTok | @ash.ley_28
Image Source: TikTok | @ash.ley_28

@shirebagginss wrote: "Gen Z hates on us millennials for skinny jeans but I don’t wanna dress like I did when I was 9. I have already gone through that phase." @ash_pasta joked: "What's funny is we have had power windows for a long time now, but will still crank if asked that question!" @crankenwagen quipped: "Early Gen Z will answer like millennials, even tho we owned smartphones and had the technology, we do dress like the rest of Gen Z though." @thatguyty8 added: "If you were broke in the 2000s you relate more to the millennials because it took us a minute to transition into gen z because I did all millennial moves even tho I’m gen z."

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