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Woman gets reality check after saying brother's fiancee didn't have a degree because she was a mom

She shared that her brother and his fiancee got engaged recently. The rude interaction took place when the family met her and her son over dinner.

Woman gets reality check after saying brother's fiancee didn't have a degree because she was a mom
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Keira Burton; Reddit | u/Throwra53524434

People often question moms about their life and career choices. If a woman opts to be a stay-at-home mother, they are asked why they don't help with finances and if they decide not to study further to be around their kids, they are again judged for it. That's what u/throwra53524434 did when she told her brother's fiancee that the reason she couldn't get a degree was because she chose to be a mom. People on the internet were quick to give her a reality check after she shared the incident in a Reddit post.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Cottonbro Studio
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Cottonbro Studio

The 24-year-old woman started her post by saying that her brother, Adam (30), had recently gotten engaged to Michelle (32), who was a single mom. Adam's family had only met Michelle a few times, so they decided to meet her and her son over dinner. "The family and I didn't know much about her, so after dinner, we started talking to her about her personal life," she wrote. The fiancee told them that she had only finished high school and had always wanted to go to college and get a degree, but it had proved hard. Adam's sister shared that she found that a "bit cliche," especially when Michelle "started to complain about lack of opportunities and resources."

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Christina Morillo
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Christina Morillo

So, the woman decided to tell her future sister-in-law her take on the whole thing. She wrote, "I told her I disagreed because colleges give all kinds of opportunities and scholarships and that the real reason she couldn't go to college was because the fact that she was a mom and had to raise a kid." Michelle stared at her, offended, and asked her if she was implying that her decision to be a mom ruined her opportunities. Instead of responding wisely, the woman imposed her views on Michelle again. The 24-year-old shared, "I told her only she could answer this question once she takes a look at her life and see if she's really happy where she is vs. where she could've been without the whole struggling mom thing."

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Liza Summer
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Liza Summer

Her brother's fiancee got upset and told her she was happy with her life and her job at the salon. She did not appreciate how "judgemental and condescending" the woman was towards her and her child. "Adam heard the commotion and asked what was going on. She told him and he decided it was time to leave. She couldn't even wait or say goodbye. She took her son and went to wait in the car," the post revealed. The woman's brother got upset and told her it was none of her business how Michelle was living her life.

She tried explaining to him that she was sharing her opinion and nothing else. "Mom sided with them, saying I was out of line, rude and ridiculous, but my younger sister said that Michelle was being too sensitive and she should get over herself already," the woman wrote. The next day, her mother called Adam and later walked into her room and yelled at her for making Michelle cry. She concluded by sharing that her mother had asked her to apologize to Michelle for what she said. 

Image Source: Reddit | u/RainierCherree
Image Source: Reddit | u/RainierCherree

People online were also unhappy with how the woman treated Michelle. u/bullshlaga commented, "Just because you have your opinion doesn't mean people need to hear it. Sometimes, you can keep your opinion to yourself, especially when this is the time to get to know her better. Nobody likes a smartmouth, especially on first meetings. Listen to Justin Timberlake - some things are better left unsaid." u/poekienijn wrote, "Not everyone has the same opportunities in life. Not everyone is able to go to college. Not everyone can afford college."

Image Source: Reddit | u/schux99
Image Source: Reddit | u/schux99

u/RaysUnderwater expressed, "You could have said, 'Of course, it must be extra hard when you have the needs of <child's name> to prioritize' and then move the conversation to something else. She would only have been talking defensively about her education if she was feeling judged by her boyfriend's family. Whether intended or not, that was unkind of you also." u/gumbuoy said, "This woman is going to be part of your family. You should be praising her and welcoming her, not just knocking on her life choices when you've barely met her and don't know her."

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