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Woman garners support on the internet after getting fired for being too 'efficient' at her job

She shred how her ex-boss decided to push her out after deciding to come back into his 'leadership' role.

Woman garners support on the internet after getting fired for being too 'efficient' at her job
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @maryelloww

Corporate life is not for the faint of heart. Individuals have to traverse visible and invisible traps to survive in the field. Unfortunately, Mariela—who goes by @maryelloww on TikTok—put a foot in one of those traps when her efficiency attacked her boss' ego, leading to her unceremonious firing from the company despite going above and beyond. The story is a cautionary tale for every individual who wants to go the "extra mile" for their place of work when they are nothing but tools for profit in that scenario. Her story touched a lot of people's hearts and they encouraged her to take her hustle where it is respected.

Image Source: TikTok/@maryelloww
Image Source: TikTok | @maryelloww

The video starts with Mariela getting straight to the point. She informed the viewers that she had been fired and one of the reasons behind this move was that "I'm too efficient." After that, she provided an example to give the audience an idea of how much effort she put into the job for her ungrateful company. The whole shebang started when her immediate boss, in their "morning meeting," talked about his objectives. He informed her that he is going to collaborate with the "director of sales to talk about the events that we have coming up and if we need to close." It is where she stepped "out of the line" and told him she had already taken care of all these tasks.

Image Source: TikTok/@maryelloww
Image Source: TikTok | @maryelloww

"I logged into the website that they use to track events and I saw that we are closing in April and I have already put that project in our project management software," she added. It made the boss feel some kind of way and as a result, Mariela was given the boot. Mariela gave more details in the follow-up video. In the video, she replied to the comment posted by @N/A, "There has to be more to it." The fired employee shared, "This started back in June when my boss decided that I became a threat because he trusted me to do my job without him telling me what to do, which was marketing, social media, email marketing and all this stuff. I didn't need him to tell me what to do and so it got to a point where he kind of was rendered useless."

The setup became such that the company activities went on without the boss's presence because Mariela had taken up the managerial responsibilities. It made him feel insecure and he wanted to "step back into his leadership role," but it was proving difficult as things were already set up in a particular way. Instead of trying more to create a new order, he decided to push out Mariela, who took up his workload when he did not want to show up for them.

Image Source: TikTok/@beccad10
Image Source: TikTok | @beccad10
Image Source: TikTok/@playtravelove
Image Source: TikTok | @playtravelove

The comment section empathized with Mariela and encouraged her to seek a better place with a brighter future. @judi_jetson shared what she believes went wrong and wrote, "You steps on toes and egos were hurt. You will get a better job." @crystaljones7334 commented how people should never do more than their commitments in their workplaces, "Never tell them this stuff lol just nod and go along lol look like a superstar later and keep your time to yourself."


Imagine being terminated for beijg efficient 🫠

♬ original sound - Mariela


You can follow Mariela (@maryelloww) on TikTok to follow along with her life's journey.

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