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Woman 'exposes' the truth about claw machines and it 'confirms' people's suspicions about them

The woman does the lord's work and reveals the nitty-gritty of claw machines and explains how one can hardly win in this game.

Woman 'exposes' the truth about claw machines and it 'confirms' people's suspicions about them
Cover Image Source: TikTok/@clarkatie

For every kid claw machines were a way to try their luck. It was a way to test if they were the favorites of the universe or not. But in reality, it wasn't the universe that was in control, but the machine itself. Katie Clark (@clarkatie), in her TikTok video, reveals how the machine is built to take away money without giving any reward. This explains why one never wins in this game. 

Image Source: TikTok/@clarkatie
Image Source: TikTok/@clarkatie

Clark is in the process of building a house from the ground up. She has been involved in this for three years and shares every step of the process with her viewers on social media. For her bar, she wanted an entertainment area and therefore brought a claw machine to host children and adults with it. But as she was going through its inner controls and manuals, she stumbled upon a shocking discovery. She shared, "I discovered something, that I guess, confirms a lot of people's thoughts on these elusive machines." Thereafter, the woman showcases the manual that came with the machine and points out the win rate aspect of the manual, leaving everyone shocked.

Image Source: TikTok/@clarkatie
Image Source: TikTok/@clarkatie

The woman explained to her viewers, "You can change the rate of success" in this game with a simple alteration in the setting. So, every time an individual goes in to play the game, their strategy and technique have zero impact. Everything was pre-determined. Their win was dependent on when they arrived to take a chance at it, as per the settings. Clark felt that this was not 'breaking news' for anybody. After a few cry sessions, even a kid understands if they are getting scammed. This just gave it proof. Her objective is to "tell the truth and spread the word." Her plan is to put the machine on "one-on-one" with her nephews to save them those precious tears.

Image Source: TikTok/@clarkatie
Image Source: TikTok/@clarkatie

In her follow-up video, Clark put more light on this scam. She shared how the claw was also rigged. The woman explained how there is a washer involved in the machinery, which, when removed, will lessen the strength but, if added, will increase the strength. In the presence of a washer, it will be easier to grab those elusive toys, but in its absence, it will remain a far-off dream.

Image Source: TikTok/@parkees
Image Source: TikTok/@parkees


Image Source: TikTok/@mum_nugget
Image Source: TikTok/@mum_nugget

The comments section was grateful that the proof was out there in the universe. @shaughan12 had a request for Clarke to offer more proof and wrote, "I'd like to see this in action. Put the 1:1 and then the 1:10 and see the difference in grip." @casey_jadep commented on how her kids evaded this scam, "My kids won about 10 random toys off only a few dollars from one recently. The next week we went in and the machine was off with an out-of-order sign."

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