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Woman explains how she splits chores with her adorable dog leaving everyone in awe

The widely circulating video shows an Australian Shepherd helping her mom with household chores, and it is adorable!

Woman explains how she splits chores with her adorable dog leaving everyone in awe
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @my_aussie_gal

They say a dog is man’s best friend, but one pup has taken it way too seriously. The Australian Shepherd, an often-debated canine breed to pet, does not shy away from splitting the household chores with her mom. Mary—who goes by @my_aussie_gal—posted an adorable video of her puppy, Promise, on TikTok which has managed to garner over 64 million views.

Image Source: TikTok | @my_aussie_gal
Image Source: TikTok | @my_aussie_gal

In the clip, Promise can be seen extending a helping hand to Mary, seemingly overwhelmed with home duties. The sweet gesture by the two-year-old Australian Shepherd is winning hearts online, as the dog seems to be well-versed in her fair share of housekeeping. The video starts with Promise leaning on her mom’s back with a text overlay: “How my dog and I split our chores.”

Image Source: TikTok | @my_aussie_gal
Image Source: TikTok | @my_aussie_gal

The footage slowly transitions into a room with all the dirty clothes lying on the floor. Promise collects them into a basket as part of her first duty, which is loading the clothes for laundry. Following this, she puts them into the washing machine all alone while setting a timer for them to get washed. At this point, Mary enters the frame as she unloads the laundered garments and puts them away.

Promise, who is not tired at all, excitedly begins her next household job: putting all the home utensils into a dishwasher. Mary performs the remaining part by organizing the dishes back to the kitchen slab. The mom of the dog described it as “enjoyable” moments as she splits her tasks with her pet.

Image Source: TikTok | @my_aussie_gal
Image Source: TikTok | @my_aussie_gal

“Even the most boring of tasks becomes enjoyable when we do them together,” she wrote on social media while sharing the sweet gesture shown by her dog. But it’s not finished yet for Promise, as she runs into her next chore, which is cleaning the carpets and floor of the house. The canine, who celebrated her second birthday in August, grabs the vacuum cleaner in her mouth and starts removing the dirt from the floors.

Image Source: Pexels | Lum3n
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Lum3n

After Promise shows her “excellent” vacuuming skills, Mary shares the load by sweeping the area. Being an excellent assistant, the dog helps out by mopping the floors. Additionally, she also helps Mary make the bed. The video concludes with the mom and pet duo jumping on the bed after completing the chores. According to Mary, it’s always best to be together while performing domestic tasks, sharing each other's company. 

Image Source: TikTok | @my_aussie_gal
Image Source: TikTok | @my_aussie_gal


Image Source: TikTok | @my_aussie_gal
Image Source: TikTok | @my_aussie_gal

The duo's relationship led to a widespread reaction. @iffachwe wrote, “Your dog is more useful than my sister.” Adding to it, @andzzzie wittily remarked, “My dog blocked me after I sent this video to him.” Other users also shared their viewpoints, including @_stephanieinca, who said, “My chihuahua likes to bark at his own reflection.” “How do you even train this? I want a training guide,” added @chelseaswannell. Giving a twist to the conversation, @mewsha assumed, "Please do not do this to your dogs! They might become independent enough to start living on their own in a trendy studio apartment, and the rental market is already competitive enough as it is."

You can follow Mary, Secret, and Promise (@my_aussie_gal) on TikTok for dog parenting content.

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