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Woman explains how being a stay-at-home mom is a full-time job that is being overlooked

Mothers who stay at home and take care of the house are often treated like they do nothing and she explains why that is wrong.

Woman explains how being a stay-at-home mom is a full-time job that is being overlooked
Cover Image Source: Instagram | @gretchy

Mothers who stay at home to take care of their kids and handle the house are often looked down upon even in today's day and age. They are often told that their responsibilities don't involve actual work. Gretchen Adler—who goes by @gretchy on Instagram—posted a video talking about how being a stay-at-home mother is just as taxing and tedious as any other stereotypically accepted job.

Image Source: Instagram | @gretchy
Image Source: Instagram | @gretchy

She begins her video by coming straight to the point. She starts by saying that being a stay-at-home mom is a job. She also expands on the same point, saying that even being a stay-at-home wife is a job. After all, handling a whole house is no cakewalk. Right from cleaning and cooking to grocery shopping and dealing with handymen, everything is just a part of a job in which you're never off the clock, but this is somehow not believed to be a job.

Image Source: Instagram | @gretchy
Image Source: Instagram | @gretchy

Adler further explains that even taking care of one's house while one's husband or partner provides for them is a job. She says that when a woman takes care of the house while her husband goes off to work, they are both contributing to the household in their own ways. She explains, "So when a woman stays at home while her husband provides for her and isn't working, she is working and her husband is covering the cost of that work." She states that a woman taking care of her kids saves up or earns the cost of hiring a nanny to take care of her kids.

Image Source: Instagram | @gretchy
Image Source: Instagram | @gretchy

She further adds that this also applies when one drops one kid off at daycare and pays for the daycare or when one hires a housekeeper and housemaker to take care of that house. Adler poses a simple question: if all the things a stay-at-home mom or wife does are real jobs people get paid for, how is she doing these things, not a contribution to the family? She says, "All of the work that those people are doing is considered work. But when a woman who stays at home does it, it's not work?" She ends on a powerful note, asserting that being a stay-at-home mom as well as a stay-at-home wife is a lot of work and undoubtedly, hard work.

Image Source: Instagram |
Image Source: Instagram |

In her caption, she also spoke about how, according to her, a real man would understand this and never look down on women who take care of the house and family. After all, women don't need handouts, allowances or gifts. But what they need as well as deserve is respect and acknowledgment for all the hard work that they do daily. @ellie_yjin commented, "Cooking for dinner takes a lot of time, but imagine making breakfast, lunch and dinner and on top of that laundry for kids and husband, plus cleaning the house and making sure dust doesn’t collect, grocery shopping, cleaning up after the baby/kids." Another viewer, @lekhasays, said, "You know us working moms unfortunately end up doing all of those things too. Especially when COVID hit and daycares shut down." @womengetangry spit some facts and said, "Women provide for men unpaid. Men created this system to control and enslave women."

Image Source: Instagram | @stylishtimes
Image Source: Instagram | @stylishtimes

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