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Woman explains how a micromanager pushed her to quit a job she liked and it's resonating with many

The former employee shares her journey of choosing freedom over constraints by leaving a job due to stifling micromanagement.

Woman explains how a micromanager pushed her to quit a job she liked and it's resonating with many
Cover Image Source: TikTok/@8kateee

Micromanaging severely frustrates employees by stifling creativity, diminishing autonomy and ultimately reducing company morale. No person would enjoy having someone constantly looking over their shoulder. It creates a sense of distrust and reduces productivity too. A woman named Kate (@8kateee) had a traumatizing story to share about how they left a job because they were micro-managed. The video has gone viral on TikTok with over 1.5 million views and 1,762 comments.

Image Source: TikTok/@8kateee
Image Source: TikTok/@8kateee

In the video, we get to see Kate sharing with her viewers details of how she was micro-managed. She says, "I quit my last job, solely because I had a micro-manager." Kate explains how she liked the work, her coworkers and the company, but how it was all ruined by her being micro-managed. The woman shares the first incident of micromanagement which she thought was "insane."

Image Source: TikTok/@8kateee
Image Source: TikTok/@8kateee

She talks about how her manager would send her "read receipts" on their mailing software. Kate explains, "If my status on Teams went yellow for 5 minutes, which I feel like is a really reasonable amount to go to the bathroom, she would send me an email and be like, 'Hi Kate, just checking in.'" The mail that she sent would have a "read receipt" which basically meant that it would let the manager know when Kate opened the mail.

Image Source: TikTok/@8kateee
Image Source: TikTok/@8kateee

The text overlay on the video reveals how the obsessive micromanager eventually made her employees log their bathroom breaks. Kate states how the manager was fully remote and had to get "creative" with her micromanagement. She did one more thing that shocked Kate. Kate mentions how she was at an official party, taking place after work, where she stayed for an hour and left.

Image Source: TikTok/@8kateee
Image Source: TikTok/@8kateee

The woman received an email from the manager on Monday, saying, "Hi Kate, we need to talk about how long you stay at events." Apparently, the manager asked other people how long Kate stayed. The woman concludes by saying that she loved being a project manager but it was not worth the mental harassment. Other people on the platform could totally resonate with the micromanaging situation and shared how it affected them in the comments section.

Image Source: TikTok/@8kateee
Image Source: TikTok/@8kateee

@dibbledab said, "Micromanaging has literally wrecked my confidence. The constant check-ins and feedback has made me so unsure of my own ability." Another user, @blueberrycrepess, added, "I got laid off but my old micromanager would also do my work and time herself to see how fast I should actually get my work done." @aubreys0804 hilariously shared, "Girl, I had a manager ask what took me so long. I told her I had explosive diarrhea she never asked again."

Image Source: TikTok/@tita_aswang
Image Source: TikTok/@tita_aswang

@acceber107 expressed, "Micromanaging has literally wrecked my confidence. The constant check-ins and feedback has made me so unsure of my own ability." @mmm_eatglass said, "This is why I left my last role. Remote micromanaging is a nightmare to contend with. Hitting my quota didn’t even keep them off my back." These testimonies showcase just how much micromanaging works negatively and affects employee's productivity in the long run.

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