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Woman draws insane portrait of her partner, but his 'zombie' painting of her has left people wheezing

"Nothing is even there. It's like the ghost of me," Kate said, trying to control her emotion after he revealed his work.

Woman draws insane portrait of her partner, but his 'zombie' painting of her has left people wheezing
Couple takes 'Painting Your Partner,' trend and the results were hilarious (Image Source: Instagram| @rhinestonecowgirll)

In the hustle of daily life, many couples struggle to keep the spark alive amid busy schedules and endless responsibilities. But rekindling romance doesn’t always require grand gestures—sometimes, the simplest activities can bring partners closer. A new social media trend, "Painting Your Partner," is proving just that, as couples put their artistic skills to the test. When Kate (@rhinestonecowgirll on Instagram) and her partner joined the challenge, the results were nothing short of hilarious—and completely unexpected.

A man stunned to see his partner's painting (Image Source: Instagram | @rhinestonecowgirll)
A man stunned to see his partner's painting (Image Source: Instagram | @rhinestonecowgirll)

The now-viral video shows Kate and her partner seated across from each other in their living room, eagerly revealing their paintings. When Kate flipped her canvas, her partner was left speechless—her artwork was a near-perfect portrait of him. "Baby, that's so f*****g good! It is so good!" the man exclaimed, totally overwhelmed by his partner's hidden talent. Further, Kate passed her spectacular portrait to her partner, allowing him to take a closer look. While he was busy adoring the artwork, she asked him to hold it next to his. To this, he responded, "Oh! I can't do it," with uncontrollable laughter. The man, however, raised his canvas to show Kate the picture he had painted of her, only to get a mixed reaction.

Woman reacts to her partner painting her picture (Image Source: Instagram | @rhinestonecowgirll)
A woman reacts to her partner painting her picture (Image Source: Instagram | @rhinestonecowgirll)

Kate burst into laughter, tears streaming down her face as she struggled to process what she was seeing. What made it even funnier? Throughout the painting process, her partner had reassured her that his artwork was turning out great. "Nothing is even there. You did not draw anything, It's like the ghost of me," Kate said, trying to control her emotions. Talking more about her reaction, she clarified, "I’m not actually upset. I was so shocked and caught off guard by his painting because he had convinced me beforehand that his (painting) was 'really good' so I was expecting something much different. His painting does look like me and I do like it."

Meanwhile, reacting to the hilarious video, @yadhier_wrote, "Everything about this video brings up so many more questions than answers." @tianagayton wrote, "OMG! That's exactly what the difference was between mine and my husband's painting. I almost cried out of confusion. Lol!" Similarly, @chelseadoingthings wrote, "She was so horrified, she began speaking with helium." @deelitefuldana wrote, "I am cackling and cry laughing! This is the funniest reel I have seen in a long time!"

Image Source: Instagram | @brendansutherland
Image Source: Instagram | @brendansutherland
Image Source: Instagram | @garretlake
Image Source: Instagram | @garretlake

@thunderwokemeup wrote, "It wouldn't even be that bad if he had just used the right colors." On the other hand, @ze3k_iv commented, "This is almost like the equivalent of getting mad at a stranger for not knowing your birthday. Like damn, so the guy is not a great artist, chill out!" @geegrl333 wrote, "That's how he sees himself, poor guy but her she’s full of light and beauty and she poured that into his portrait." @jennifererbe commented, "I think I scared my family with how hard I just laughed! OMG!" @freshhdee23 commented, "I don’t think she was as excited about the zombie version. I think she might have liked the regular version a bit more."

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