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Woman cleaning late grandpa's home discovers endless photos herself — learns how much he truly loved her

The grandfather created bundles of the photos the woman sent to him twice a month for 10 years.

Woman cleaning late grandpa's home discovers endless photos herself — learns how much he truly loved her
Cover Image Source: Reddit | u/pllaidllama

Grandparents hold a special place in our hearts. While parents often focus on discipline, many find that their grandparents offer a softer, more indulgent kind of love. The unconditional love of a grandparent is profound, and their loss can feel like losing a part of ourselves. In a heartwarming tale posted by u/pplaidllama, she talks about how she got to know how much her grandpa loved her after he passed away. 

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Tima Miroshnichenko
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Tima Miroshnichenko

The granddaughter found something that made her extremely happy when she went with the family to clean up her grandfather's home. She said, "I found that he had kept every card I'd ever sent him. Every. Single. One. I'd been sending them twice a month for the last 10 years as a way to keep him updated on my life." Discovering the postcards in an easily accessible place, she realized her grandfather likely cherished and revisited them often.

While informing people more about her grandfather's life, she said that he had only recently turned 93. They also went out for dinner to celebrate at his favorite steak house. She even joked that had it not been for her grandfather the steakhouse would have run out of business since the 1970s. He was in excellent health, lived independently, and was known for his joyful spirit. He even had his own house for four decades, which is also where he passed away. She said, "He passed suddenly and peacefully in his sleep in the house he'd owned for 40 years." His peaceful passing in familiar surroundings was a small comfort in a time of grief.

Image Source: Reddit | u/pllaidllama

u/wireknot made an insightful suggestion and said, "I hope you keep them and maybe make them into a book or album. It's a way to remember him in your life and the joy you obviously gave him. Peace be with you all." Sharing a personal story, u/BriskHeartedParadox said, "My grandfather was the best. I lost him early, 8 years old. Somehow, he gave me memories I get to cherish to this day. May yours last the same." A grandfather, u/angryshark, replied to this story, saying, "Grandfather of 4 here. I cannot begin to describe how much he loved you, but I'm sure this treasure trove that he kept, chronicling your life, gives you a pretty good sense of how he felt. Live your best life to honor his memory."

Image Source: Reddit | u/WysiwygBB
Image Source: Reddit | u/WysiwygBB

u/horizon_hopper shared some bits about their grandfather, "He clearly loved you so much, and cherished you beyond words. What a wonderful keepsake and I am so sorry for your loss. It’s wonderful to have these little parts of them, I adored my grandfather, he began painting in the last years of his life and his art feels like he’s still with us in a way. It's been three years and I miss him every single day."

Image Source: Reddit | u/zephyr-ca
Image Source: Reddit | u/zephyr-ca

u/tinytahnee shared, "My grandad died this year and did the same- put all the postcards I sent him in a photo album and I saw it when sorting his home and it was very moving. I'm sorry for your loss but it sounded like he had a good life." Another user added, "You’re so blessed to have had someone who was sentimental and loved you enough to keep these!"



This article originally appeared 1 year ago.

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