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Woman demands child-free public spaces after her swim session was ruined by screaming kids

The woman goes on a rant against children, calling herself 'evil' for wanting child-free public places to have "quiet" time.

Woman demands child-free public spaces after her swim session was ruined by screaming kids
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @soybabie__

Having a kid around is not always fun. They can be loud and inconsiderate sometimes and because of this reason, a woman on TikTok has demanded separate child-free public places where people like her can have a peaceful time. Kitch Catterall - who goes on TikTok by @soybabie__ - wanted to swim in peace for some time when kids decided to jump in the pool and make a mess of it. Completely irritated by their antics, she decided to point out things that many people are hesitant to do. She shared her no-filter opinions in a clip that has garnered over 624K views, leading to differing opinions in the comment section.

Image Source: TikTok/@soybabie__
Image Source: TikTok | @soybabie__

In the video, Catterall is requesting an adult-only suburb. She shares, "I would like to know when somebody's planning on opening an adult-only suburb where everything in it is only for adults. Because I'm so sick of going places and kids are just everywhere screaming and I just have to put up with it." The artist had gone for a swim in a public pool and even though there was a designated area for kids, she still found them in the lap lane pool. They were splashing and jumping all over the place, making it really hard for her to get even one lap in peace.

Image Source: TikTok | @soybabie__
Image Source: TikTok | @soybabie__

Peace was right out of the window with all the screams coming out of the little kids. An activity that she believed would give her calm left her all agitated. She captioned the tirade, "I know I'm evil, but they're SO loud. Please, I want peace and quiet. Are their adults-only pools in Melbourne?"

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A post shared by Paintings By Kitch (@soybabie_)


"And that's just allowed," the woman fumed, "Because they're allowed everywhere." She implies that just because they are kids, people give them the pass to behave in any way they want to in public places. They can disrespect boundaries and rules because they are "just kids." The artist labeled herself as "evil" but still bravely put her request forward of having no-kid areas in public. She concluded, "I just feel like, for people like me who are evil and hate kids, we should have our own suburb where we can just be quiet and undisturbed."

Image Source: TikTok/@amyrobertson656
Image Source: TikTok | @amyrobertson656

Though there were a few critics in the comment section, it was mainly filled with comments supporting the idea of child-free public spaces. @lmw982, as a parent, understood her viewpoint and wrote, "As a parent of two small children, I completely understand what you're saying and respect that childfree people need space too." @queer_tistic poked fun at people who over-reacted to the demand for child-free spaces and commented, "People think that when we ask for more child-free spaces, we are wishing for the eradication of children and I will never understand it." 

Image Source: TikTok/@amandapandaproduction
Image Source: TikTok | @amandapandaproduction

@iloveit_44 blamed careless parents for the nuisance caused by the kids and wrote, "It's not kids, it's parents who let their kids run wild and don't monitor them. They're like 'Oh let them be kids' like no." @starbe11e supported them and said, "I get this because I want more adult-only spaces that aren't centered around alcohol or just for the nighttime."

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