The simple gesture made her day a little better and lifted her spirits, so she took to the internet to share it.
We all have bad days, but a small act of kindness can make a world of difference. A Reddit user, u/klem528, recently shared how a simple gesture from a stranger brightened her difficult day. She took to Reddit to share the sweet incident with people.
"I was crying, pulling into a parking spot to treat myself to frozen yogurt because I was having a tough day. I caught a glimpse of a teenage girl and dad in the car next to me while I was crying. When I came back after eating the frozen yogurt, their car was gone, but this was on my door handle," the woman shared. It was a 10-dollar bill, with a note that the dad and daughter had left for the woman. She shared a picture of the same from her car.
The note read, "Your frozen yogurt is on us. We hope tomorrow is a better day." It also featured little hearts to sweeten the deal even more. The kind strangers took a little time off their day and inspired people on the internet. Many people in the comments applauded the gesture and shared their own stories to brighten everyone's day even more.
u/Shawnessy shared, "I was at the self-checkout at Walmart a few months back. This mother and her child I'd seen a couple of times, were checking out. Her son was a saint. The whole time, he would help her grab stuff off shelves. He was very polite to other people in the store if they were in his way. Anyway, they're checking out, and he had this toy and his mother apologized and told him she couldn't get it. The kid seemed upset about it but went and took it to the woman over the self-checkout. As he was walking back, a girl still checking out asked for it and bought it for him. She took it over to him and this kid burst into tears and thanked her. The woman who bought it asked if he'd be good for his mom and this poor kid was choking back more tears, shaking his head yes. The mother also choked back tears a bit and thanked her. It made my heart warm that day."
u/rkslven commented, "Turns out some people are genuinely good and look for opportunities to learn how to better the people around them. I don't always hit this mark, but others doing so makes me want to try a little harder myself." u/JabrenThompson remarked, "I need to start carrying cash so if the opportunity comes up, I can do the same." u/1under50 wrote, "I always thought it would be cool to get a stack of $5 bills from the bank, keep them in the glove box and hand them out when needed. I feel like a fiver is a good amount to make a difference but not too much for a guy like me."