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Woman claims she got a callback from every company she applied to after using AI to build her resume

After impulsively quitting her last job, she decided to seek help from an AI writing tool to build an effective resume.

Woman claims she got a callback from every company she applied to after using AI to build her resume
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @leah_sahdm

Editor's note: This article was originally published on June 22, 2023. It has since been updated.

Finding a job is never an easy task, especially in this economy. Job seekers spend hours and hours fine-tuning their resumes, double-checking the way they've listed their qualifications and ensuring that everything looks convincing enough to help them land their dream job. But sadly, thousands of other candidates are doing the exact same thing while applying for your dream opportunity. So what can you do differently to get an edge over fellow candidates for that job? What can you do to make your resume shine among the rest?

A TikTok user named Leah (@leah_sahdm) has shared the perfect hack to construct an impeccable resume. All you need to do is seek help from the popular AI writing tool ChatGPT which can build you an effective resume that is going to catch the attention of potential employers. Leah claims in her video that she got callbacks for every position she applied to with her ChatGPT-generated resume. She apparently even got a callback for a position that she'd previously applied for on three occasions only to be rejected every time.

"This is how I used AI to get me a callback from every single application that I submitted, including a job that I've applied for four times now, and I finally got a yes," Leah says in her video before mentioning that the AI tool is free and people can use it to build their resume from scratch. She explains in the clip that she has been searching for a new job since quitting her previous job "very impulsively." However, she was not getting any success with her job hunting even after applying for over 300 positions.

Image Source: TikTok | @leah_sahdm
Image Source: TikTok | @leah_sahdm

But thanks to ChatGPT, she heard back from the companies she applied to and got interviewed within 10 days. "And I've gotten offers for three of those positions already," she claims. She also includes step-by-step instructions on how to use ChatGPT in order to apply for your desired job. Leah shared screenshots of the prompts she used to get her perfect resume and then the video transitions to a screen that displays the results generated by the AI tool.

Image Source: TikTok | @leah_sahdm
Image Source: TikTok | @leah_sahdm

"ChatGPT is gonna give you something that looks like this," she says. "'What were your main responsibilities? Did you work as a team?' It asked me about customer service because that’s what I entered as the skill that I wanted to sound more like. So, if I would have entered in, 'make it sound more technical and professional,' it would have asked me, ‘Were there any specific technical aspects involved in your role? Did you receive any awards?’ It’s gonna ask about leadership, special projects, and again it’s asking about customer service stuff because that’s what I asked it to make my resume sound more customer service forward." Leah then goes on to explain how the AI chatbot analyzes the user's prompts and responses to construct a new resume draft.

"Once you answer those questions, it’s gonna give you something that looks like this,” she adds. "It’s gonna generate an objective statement and these bullet points. It’s gonna organize your bullet points and your work experience from this job into a couple of different categories... In references, you’re going to say ‘available upon request.’ Do not put your references on your resume. Your references should correlate to the positions. Now, this is where I added my second place of work. I worked at this job in two different positions. So, I did the same thing. ‘Ask me all the questions you need,’ and that’s what it asked me down here."

Image Source: TikTok | @leah_sahdm
Image Source: TikTok | @leah_sahdm

Leah also made follow-up videos on this topic to discuss using different ChatGPT prompt methods to construct a resume, which impressed her viewers greatly. Many TikTok users confessed that they've been using AI tools to apply for jobs as well. While AI could potentially help you get callbacks, at the end of the day, it depends on the job seeker whether they are prepared enough to pass through the interview round since ChatGPT won't be there to aid them.

You can follow Leah (@leah_sahdm) on TikTok for more lifestyle content.

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