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Woman claims she is 'the wife and physical medium' of Michael Jackson's ghost

"I won't accuse him of pedophilia in his past in a professional article, but he does like that I have a childlike personality and small hands and feet," she wrote.

Woman claims she is 'the wife and physical medium' of Michael Jackson's ghost
Cover Image Source: Musician Michael Jackson performs at the taping of "American Bandstands 50th...A Celebration" television special honoring the music show April 20, 2002 in Pasadena, CA. (Photo by Vince Bucci/Getty Images)

According to Kathleen "Ghost Host" Roberts' Instagram bio, she is "the reincarnation of Marilyn Monroe" herself. However, the legendary actress is not the only late American icon Roberts has a special connection to. In a Longevity article titled "My Story Of Being The Wife And Physical Medium Of The Ghost Of Michael Jackson," she described the allegedly "true story of how the most famous man in the world came into [her] life... after his death." In the article, Roberts explained that she wanted to share the "paranormal experiences of living with the ghost of" Jackson.



"Before I begin my story, I want to note that I am telling this from a paranormal belief point of view. There are some people who choose to label me as schizophrenic due to the similarities of my experiences and the symptoms of the mental illness," she began. "My life as a physical medium means that I can't drive a car because ghosts can move me and it's dangerous. A bad ghost can swerve my vehicle off the road. I have terrible moments such as using the restroom in front of ghosts, which is embarrassing if they walk in the room. Michael stays in me all the time so he comes to the restroom with me and calls these special bonding moments toiletries. He talks to me a lot, which is not what I expected from the shy man I saw on tv all of those years I was a fan."



Roberts went on to claim that the alleged ghost of the "Billie Jean" singer stays possessed in her—"relaxed not channeling and just enjoying living through me and communicating with me as a husband"—all the time. "So he likes to eat in me. He loves cookies. He cusses a lot more to I'd expect him to as a former fan," she wrote. As for those curious about how the more intimate moment of their supposed marriage works, Roberts clarified that "he doesn't like being touched back."

"He scares me with spider visions and dead corpse visions if I kiss him or try to initiate romance physically," she wrote. "He is very bossy and points things out like flaws and mistakes I make. I assume he got that from his father, so I try to overlook that because I love him and I am not perfect either. Roberts also referred to a Tiktok channel and an Instagram account where "Micheal and [Roberts]" post videos of the late singer and others "channeling" through the self-proclaimed physical medium.

"He sings and dances possessed in me (or channeling if you refer to it professionally)," she wrote. Roberts also referenced the child sexual abuse accusations against Jackson in the article. "I won't accuse him of pedophilia in his past in a professional article, but he does like that I have a childlike personality and small hands and feet," she stated. "I know it's a bit strange of him, but I had a big crush on him as a fan, and what he loves about me no matter what it is, I'll accept and love and even flip out with jealousy sometimes over (sorry certain people) I get upset over possibly losing him even when nothing is going on."



Roberts claimed that Jackson's family is aware of their so-called marriage and that Jackson's alleged ghost helps her deal with the stresses of online fame. "I have moments when dealing with Michael's scares, jealousy games, and rude comments overwhelm me a bit, but even though I slip and trip, I get back up and grab my hip. I feel special that he chose me for a wife (though not on paper) we treat our relationship as though we are married. we have our ups and downs but Michael, the truth is, I just can't stop loving you," she concluded.

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