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Woman carries out an experiment to prove men don't know how to look for things and it's on point

A woman tries to get her boyfriend find something for her and the way he goes about it is absolutely hilarious.

Woman carries out an experiment to prove men don't know how to look for things and it's on point
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @kokoandsymba

Finding objects at home can sometimes be a very tricky thing to do. Even when the object we are looking for may be right in front of our eyes, it's possible we overlook them. Koko (@kokoandsymba) decided to demonstrate how her boyfriend, Simba, was funnily enough not able to find a lot of things without her help. She posted a video on TikTok of her asking him to find dog wipes and documented how he went about it. The video has amassed 104.7K views and 50 comments on the social media platform so far. 

Image Source: TikTok | @kokoandsymba
Image Source: TikTok | @kokoandsymba

The text overlay on her video reads, "Proving men don't know how to use their eyes." It begins with Koko saying, "Simba, can you go and get me those doggy wipes, please?" He readily agrees and gets up from the sofa, asking where they are. She replies, "It's on my vanity, on my desk, okay?"  Simba repeats the instructions to himself, at which point Koko inquires, "Are you gonna remember that?" The boyfriend smugly replies that he will remember this and walks out of the room to get the wipes. 

Image Source: TikTok | @kokoandsymba
Image Source: TikTok | @kokoandsymba

It cuts to reveal Simba coming up to Koko and revealing he didn't find the wipes she wanted. She asks him if he really looked properly and her boyfriend assures her that he did. Koko asks him to go look one more time, but he fails again. She proceeds to tell him that she will come and find it to prove that he is not looking properly. The boyfriend agrees but wants to look one more time before she goes into the room. 

Image Source: TikTok | @kokoandsymba
Image Source: TikTok | @kokoandsymba

This time, he gives up and asks Koko to go and find it. "It's not there, I promise you that," he states as they both go to look for the dog wipes. Viewers are then shown the desk where Simba was asked to look, and he points out that the wipes are not on the desk. Koko quickly points out the location of dog wipes, that are put on a slightly elevated part of the desk. She holds up the package for him to see and Simba immediately starts to reason that the wipes are for babies and not for dogs. 

Koko replies, "Simba, I told you to get wipes." Her boyfriend mentions, "You said to look on the desk." But she does not want to hear it and questions how he was not able to find it. He points out how the wipes are on the "stepping part" of the desk, but Koko says it is "still the same thing." She highlights how whenever she has asked him to find stuff, he has always failed. 

Image Source: TikTok | @_urrfavscorpio_
Image Source: TikTok | @_urrfavscorpio_


Image Source: TikTok | @sophiability
Image Source: TikTok | @sophiability

Simba tries to justify his ignorance by saying that she gave him wrong directions and she hilariously inquires, "Why are you like this?" The couple argue back and forth, with Koko hilariously concluding that this is the reason why she is not thinking of marrying him. People loved the funny video and shared their thoughts in the comments section. @.evamaryy said, "He always looks so lost when you yell at him." @emmanuel.parra_ commented, "Just give us the proper directions. I promise we'll find it."

You can follow the couple (@kokoandsymba) on their TikTok page for more funny relationship content like this. 

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