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Woman cancels bachelorette party after bride kicks her out of wedding party without any explanation

Sometimes it is important to take a stand for oneself when being treated disrespectfully by those you consider friends.

Woman cancels bachelorette party after bride kicks her out of wedding party without any explanation
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Terje Sollie, Reddit | u/Firm_Tomatillo_6320

All of us are familiar with some temperamental friends who can often be quite self-absorbed, even if they're not acting with malicious intentions. More often than not, we choose to ignore such people because we think we can and should. However, in a story shared on Reddit by u/Firm_Tomatillo_6320, we see how everyone has a level of tolerance that, if crossed, doesn't always end well.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Emma Bauso
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Emma Bauso

She begins her story with some context about her life. She says, "I am a full-time student, so I am currently living off student loans and what little hours I can work outside of school." She goes on to say that she has, by far, spent around $1000 on her best friend's wedding: $350 on the bridesmaid's dress, $350 on the flight home to attend the wedding as she's away for school and about $100 on the gift she sent the best friend for her bridal shower. For someone still studying, juggling jobs and having loans to pay off - it's a substantial amount of money. She then goes on to explain that since the maid of honor is pregnant, she asked her to plan the bachelorette party for the bride. And that's what the bridesmaid did. She decided to have it be a surprise and all the other bridesmaids agreed. So she planned everything well and kept the other girls in the loop.

Upon receiving confirmation from everyone, she went ahead and booked everything. She got the bride a limo for $400 to go baropping since she loved it, as well as a $700 Airbnb to crash at night. The woman spent all of this money on top the $1000 she originally spent since all the other girls said they'd send their share later. However, a month later, something absurd happened. She said, "I and two other girls got kicked from the bridal party group chat along with a paragraph from the bride saying we were no longer invited because we weren't 'honoring her wishes.'"

The bride then proceeded to ghost the three girls for two days before adding them back to the group and apologizing by saying she was only stressed. Everyone talked about it and got over it. However, a day before the woman posted this story, the same thing happened again. The only difference was that this time only the writer was removed from the group, along with a paragraph that said she wasn't respecting the bride's wishes and that the bride wished she'd never invited u/Firm_Tomatillo_6320 or asked her to be a bridesmaid. Like the last time, the bride went on to ghost the woman again.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Emma Bauso
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Emma Bauso

The woman wrote, "Today, she messages me, apologizing, saying she's sorry for lashing out and that she'd like me there but not as a bridesmaid as it would make her 'uncomfortable' and that I'm not allowed to wear the dress I had already bought as it's a bridesmaid's dress." On being respectfully told that the woman couldn't afford another dress because she'd already purchased the bridesmaid dress, the bride lashed out again, asking the woman to take some more of her student loan money to buy another dress. And so, the woman did what any reasonable person with self-respect would do—she canceled the Airbnb and the Limo and told the other bridesmaids what happened. When the bride got to know about it, she messaged the "fired" bridesmaid about how she was a bad person and completely ruined the wedding since none of the other bridesmaids had the time or funds to book anything.

Image Source: Pexels | u/CultureImaginary8750
Image Source: Pexels | u/CultureImaginary8750

The woman looked at things with an optimistic lens and said, "I also managed to get the refund for my flight, so really, I'm only out about $450 for a wedding I'm no longer invited to." She also mentioned in a comment on the same post that when she spoke to the maid of honor, she got to know that all that the bride had an issue with was the fact that she'd have to stand next to someone skinny at the altar. The woman took to the internet to know if she was wrong to cancel her best friend's bachelorette party after the latter fired her as a bridesmaid. The comment section completely supported her. u/vt2022cam said, "NTA - she’s not your friend and she ruined her wedding by mistreating people. Actions have consequences and she’s learning what those are. You dodged a bullet."

Image Source: Reddit | u/Pristine_Pie_2254
Image Source: Reddit | u/Pristine_Pie_2254

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