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Woman explains why millennials and Gen Z are more hesitant to take up managerial roles

An exploration by a woman on why younger generations, millennials and Gen-Z, are opting out of managerial positions.

Woman explains why millennials and Gen Z are more hesitant to take up managerial roles
Cover Image Source: TikTok/@littlemisstrena

Younger generations are realizing the truth about a lot of reputed jobs and opting out. This especially seems to be the case with a lot of younger people avoiding higher positions like that of a manager or supervisor. It's simply because most companies do not adequately compensate people in these jobs for the amount of stress that they go through. @littlemisstrena recently shared a video where she explained why millennials and Gen-Z did not want to take up such positions. 

Image Source: TikTok/@littlemisstrena
Image Source: TikTok/@littlemisstrena

She begins the video by stating how she was observing a workplace trend wherein younger generations did not want to be managers anymore. The woman asks her viewers, "Why would we? Realistically, why would you wanna become a manager?" She explains that she bought into the hype of becoming a manager herself. The woman shares how she still believed in wanting to advance her career two jobs ago, which is why she pursued the position of a supervisor and got it.

Image Source: TikTok/@littlemisstrena
Image Source: TikTok/@littlemisstrena

But what will shock most viewers is that despite the promotion, she only got a "dollar pay bump." She says, "I went from just doing my own thing, to having to manage six people for a dollar extra an hour." The woman adds that the promotion and the slight increase in pay were simply not worth it. She also adds that all of the jobs she has applied to after have not really cared that she used to be a supervisor.

Image Source: TikTok/@littlemisstrena
Image Source: TikTok/@littlemisstrena

In fact, it was not even brought up in any of her interviews. She says, "It didn't give me the bump I thought it was going to for all the extra stress." Because of her experience with being a supervisor, she shares how she would probably never take up the position again. The video concludes with the woman stating that managing people was a terrible job. Other people on the platform found the woman's analysis valid and shared their thoughts in the comments section.

Image Source: TikTok/@littlemisstrena
Image Source: TikTok/@littlemisstrena


Image Source: TikTok/@amberteague28
Image Source: TikTok/@amberteague28


Image Source: TikTok/@rae_elizabeth_
Image Source: TikTok/@rae_elizabeth_

@ktspeedruns said, "Double the responsibility, double the daily tasks, no appreciation, lectures when the store didn't make money, all for a 1% raise." Another user, @jennafeather shared, "I spent so long watching my managers be stressed out and hate their jobs and life. Why would I want that? Not a great incentive." @j_to.the_9 pointed out, "Not to mention how many managers are completely useless and are more of a hindrance to getting work done than helping."

Image Source: TikTok/@thatginger4567
Image Source: TikTok/@thatginger4567

In fact, another TikTok user Mik (@thatginger4567) also shared a video explaining why younger generations choose not to work anymore and the factors that contribute to it. Many people assume that it is just people being lazy, but that is really not the case. From not being able to pay bills despite working long hours and having to get two or three jobs just to survive. The story takes a deep dive into how the younger generations are adopting a new perspective toward traditional working values. 

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