Being a 'chill' girlfriend has been taken too far in current modern relationships and she is trying to put a stop to it.
When people get into romantic relationships and become partners, they set some boundaries to keep their connection afloat. That being said, each partner should have space to do their own things. Balancing the two becomes difficult and women are often thought to be controlling or excessive in such cases. However, when it comes to being the “chill” girlfriend, there are certain boundaries that need to be set. Maygan Bryant–who goes by @thatssomaygan on TikTok–posted a video with a message to fellow women to understand how to set the same while dating. She clarified that being a chill girlfriend is different from being a girlfriend who allows disrespect from her partner.
Bryant said, “There’s a difference between a chill girlfriend and a girlfriend that lets her boyfriend disrespect her and her relationship all the way possible and then calls herself a chill girlfriend.” Many partners often entertain toxic behaviors because they want to come across as one who is relaxed and trusting. However, Bryant stresses the need to understand when one is trusting and when one is being taken advantage of. She further highlighted that one cannot call themselves chilled, laid back or even confident girlfriends if they tolerate such manipulative behavior. “That’s being a woman with no boundaries. Don’t let anybody’s son make you put yourself at such a low level that you let anything and everything slide,” she explained. She also shed light on the need to have boundaries as a partner.
She stated boldly, “A chill girlfriend still has boundaries” and proceeded to share the same. “A chill girlfriend still has expectations of how she should be treated and respected,” Bryant said. She then pointed out how many women face injustice and disrespect and let their partners do whatever they want to them in the delusion of being laid back and chill. She also cleared the misconception and said it is not confident and chill not to speak up and let a partner treat one however they want. “You can be laid back and still have boundaries,” the woman remarked. The idea is to maintain a healthy balance between the two. She further highlighted that one can understand this balance by loving oneself enough to have self-respect and not tolerate any negatives.
Next, Bryant said, “Being a chill girlfriend does not mean you’re a doormat for that man.” She then boldly said, “Don’t let any man treat you anything less than God’s daughter, because that’s what you are.” Bryant strongly urged partners not to put up with anything simply because “you wanna fit the wrong man’s mold of what a chill girlfriend should be.” The woman had pointed out a fact that often leads to many red flags, but partners ignore it due to their overwhelming feelings. Several people were happy that she shed light on the matter and appreciated her advice. Others even said that it applies to men and women alike. Being chill is not equivalent to taking down boundaries, especially if it has anything to do with being respected and valued.