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Woman asks if her husband saying that she shouldn't leave sanitary pads out in bathroom is wrong

There's enough stigma around menstruation already, but we as a society need to work towards eliminating it, much like the internet did in this story.

Woman asks if her husband saying that she shouldn't leave sanitary pads out in bathroom is wrong
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Polina Zimmerman; Reddit | u/Superb_Tension6793

The menstrual cycles women go through are commonly referred to as periods. Every woman and person with a uterus goes through this pain and understands the struggle that comes with it - both mental as well as physical. In a story posted by u/Superb_Tension6793, she talks about how her husband stigmatized her period for her. She then chose to go on the internet to understand if she was actually in the wrong.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Karolina Grabowska
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Karolina Grabowska

The title of the story asks people if she was wrong to leave menstrual pads in a visible place in the bathroom. She then proceeds with the story. The woman says that she was living with her husband and his friend, both of whom are 30 years old, on a vacation. They were sharing a rented apartment, which had only one bathroom. While on vacation, something happened to the woman, which is every woman's nightmare—she got her period. And obviously, she bought some pads for herself.

Since she was sharing the bathroom with her husband and his friend, she simply put her pads in the bathroom. She said, "I left them on the bathroom counter in a semi-sheer bag, where they weren't even visible." However, this was not good enough for the husband. He believed that the fact that his wife was on her period would be uncomfortable for his friend for some weird reason. Mentioning what he said, the woman said, "However, my husband thought this was inappropriate and could make his friend uncomfortable, knowing that someone in the apartment was bleeding."

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Polina Zimmerman
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Polina Zimmerman

Now there's no doubt about the fact that this was quite absurd. It's like saying you can't show someone you have tissues in the house because they might be uncomfortable about the fact that someone might be sick. The woman said, "I argued that menstruation is a natural process and should not be considered gross or dirty." She also added that women should not be shamed or stigmatized because of it, as this has historically caused women to suffer. However, the husband said nothing after this, but he left his wife wondering if she was in the wrong, resulting in her reaching out to the internet. However, when the online community supported her, she added an edit wherein she said how she wanted feedback from men since her husband said that all the responses calling her correct were exclusively women.

Image Source: Reddit | u/Any_Ad4410
Image Source: Reddit | u/Any_Ad4410

However, the internet took a stand for her and told her she was nowhere near being in the wrong. Not just women, but also men. u/Dull-Wrongdoer5922 said, "NTA. Anyone living with a menstruating woman should accept the fact that, yes, in fact, sometimes you will be on your period and have menstrual products within reach. If he had a cold and you made him hide all the tissues in the house, I'm sure it would annoy him too lol." u/Nester1953 said, "Do we care if there are men out there who are made uncomfortable by menstrual products? No, we do not. Do we care if men are made uncomfortable by the sight of women breastfeeding their babies? No, we do not. Do we care if misogynists are creeped out by normal female activities? No, we do not. NTA." u/emptynest_nana said, "NTA. We are women, we bleed, it happens, get over it. It's just the way our bodies work. Any man who cannot deal with the simple, biological truth, is too immature to be in a relationship with a woman." And because the husband wanted to hear it from a man, u/cadwalader000 said, "Verified man here. You must be joking. He was upset that there were unopened feminine hygiene products on the counter?! I think your husband is a 12-year-old boy in disguise."

Image Source: Reddit | u/Cultural_Section_862
Image Source: Reddit | u/Cultural_Section_862

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