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Woman accidentally texts date instead of friend from the bathroom. He got up and left her with the bill

While they seemed to hit it off online, the physical date their dinner date felt awkward from the start.

Woman accidentally texts date instead of friend from the bathroom. He got up and left her with the bill
Man looking at his phone while having dinner at a restaurant. Representative cover image source: Pexels | Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

First dates can be unpredictable, but one man’s experience with a woman he met on ended in a way he never saw coming. The man shared his experience on Reddit under the username u/Affectionate_Base827, explaining how he met a woman online, and after exchanging messages and phone calls for several days, they agreed to meet for a proper dinner. "We had been messaging back and forth for a good few days and we were getting on great. She seemed laid back, fun, and pretty easy to talk to," he wrote.

Man and woman having a conversation - Representative Image Source: Pexels | cottonbro studio
Man and woman having a conversation - Representative Image Source: Pexels | cottonbro studio

Wanting to make a good impression, he booked a table at a nice restaurant, opting for a full meal instead of a quick coffee date. When they met in person, things seemed fine at first, but he quickly sensed that his date wasn’t as interested as she had been over text. "I got a feeling early on that I maybe didn’t meet her expectations looks-wise," he recalled. "She seemed a little somber at the start of the date but we soldiered on, and she seemed to relax, and we started to have fun. Or so I thought." As the night progressed, the woman drank heavily, pouring herself multiple glasses of wine throughout the meal. After finishing the main course, she excused herself to the bathroom.

Person looking at phone - Representative Image Source: Pexels | Ketut Subiyanto
Person looking at phone - Representative Image Source: Pexels | Ketut Subiyanto

Then, his phone buzzed with a message, "This date is rubbish, he’s brutally ugly and I’m not having fun. Can you call me in about 5 minutes and I’ll pretend there’s an emergency?" Realizing that his date had accidentally sent the message to him, the man made a split-second decision. Instead of confronting her, he quietly signaled the waiter over, put on his coat, and said, "My wife has gone to the bathroom and I’ve just had a call from work. There’s an emergency I have to deal with. She has the credit card, she will square up the bill."

With that, he walked out of the restaurant, leaving her to face the consequences of her mistake. He didn’t wait around for her reaction and blocked her number immediately. The post quickly gained traction, with many applauding the way the man turned the tables on his date. u/Some_Random_GTI commented, "Great job mate, she didn’t have the decency to tell you it wasn’t working but had the audacity to play or rather act as if it’s going well in order to get a free meal and drink. I would have also walked out." u/Am-I-Done added, "The only mistake you made was blocking her number. Would have been fun to get her follow-up calls/texts to see her reaction."

Image Source: Reddit | u/thegloracle
Image Source: Reddit | u/thegloracle
Image Source: Reddit | u/MorganArthur13
Image Source: Reddit | u/MorganArthur13

u/CatlessBoyMom pointed out the lesson to be learned from the woman’s mistake, "Perfection! And this, ladies and gentlemen, is why you should always stay sober if you’re going to be an a**." u/Dioscouri wrote, "I’ve gone on more than one date where it was obvious that it wasn’t going to work out. I’ve never cut and run though. The worst-case scenario is that I spend a little more time with them. The time that, were I not there, I would be spending anyway." u/nahman201893 shared, "Yeah, I stick with coffee. No exceptions. That way both parties can excuse themselves at any time without feeling stuck."

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