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Window cleaners cheer up kids in the hospital by dressing up as superheroes: 'Bless those people'

Not every superhero wears a cape but it seems some of them even wash windows along with their capes.

Window cleaners cheer up kids in the hospital by dressing up as superheroes: 'Bless those people'
Cover Image Source: Reddit | u/westcoastcdn19

It's not a great sight watching little children suffering from various ailments while spending their days stuck in a hospital room while they receive treatment. These children certainly want to run around with their friends, attend schools regularly and watch their favorite comic book characters come to life on big screens. However, they have to prioritize their health and even battle life-threatening diseases in children's hospitals.

Representational Image Source: Pexels
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Pavel Danilyuk

However, it doesn't mean they can't meet their favorite superheroes flying by the windows of their hospital ward while cleaning window glasses. Reddit user u/westcoastcdn19 shared a heartwarming video of a bunch of kind fellows who dressed up as some notable superheroes before swinging by a safety harness to clear the windows of Norton Children's Hospital. A few kids can be seen giggling joyfully as they spot Batman and Spider-Man putting their crime-fighting to a halt so they can greet the kids and clean the windows too.

Image Source: Reddit | westcoastcdn19
Image Source: Reddit | westcoastcdn19

According to WLKY, this interesting window cleaning idea is executed by cleaners from Pro Clean International in Louisville who are seemingly experts at putting a smile on children's faces while cleaning the hospital windows. These window washers traded their regular job uniforms for a day to entertain the kids by dressing up as their favorite superheroes. If we skim through the internet, we will realize that this is not the first time window washers have dressed up as superheroes displaying their kind gesture for these kids.

In 2021, Main Window Cleaning company's crew dressed up as Mr. Incredible, Spider-Man, and other Marvel and DC superheroes to cheer up kids at Golisano Children's Hospital located in Rochester, New York, per Spectrum News. This particular company has been donning the superhero costume for two years already. "I might have more fun than the kids actually," said Main Window Cleaning president Ben Alt. "Yeah, I do have a lot of fun doing this. It brings a cool element to window cleaning and we're so happy to be able to bring that to the children's hospital." 

Image Source: Reddit
Image Source: Reddit

Fellow netizens were touched by this act as they left supportive comments and personal stories as well. u/TAU_equals_2PI wrote: "This is now done at children's hospitals all over the world, but I'd love to know who first came up with the idea. There was obviously some first person who said 'I'm washing windows at a children's hospital today. Just for fun, I think I'll wear a superhero costume.'  And that one person's very unique idea got positive attention and spread all over the world." u/Sl0ppyOtter joked: "After the fall of Wayne enterprises, Bruce fell on hard times."

Image Source: Reddit
Image Source: Reddit

u/FutboleroR10 shared a personal story and wrote: "I was in the hospital as a very young child. At the hospital I went to, there was at least one person that would go around visiting all the kids and giving them stuffed animals and other toys. I always looked forward to it they were the best memories I have of a place. I actually dread to ever be in again. I guarantee these kids will never forget these kinds of nice memories. What a nice gesture from these people to go way beyond their duties of cleaning windows."

Image Source: Reddit
Image Source: Reddit

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