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Wife's witty comeback to husband complaining about doing chores left everyone speechless

When the wife tried to reason with her inconsiderate husband, he was made and refused to accept his defeat.

Wife's witty comeback to husband complaining about doing chores left everyone speechless
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Keira Burton; Reddit | u/4eversoulsraven

Is there such a thing as a marriage without disagreements? While most accept that conflict is part of any relationship, it becomes intolerable when one partner is immature and irresponsible. A common source of marital discord is the division of household chores. Recently, Reddit user u/4eversoulsraven shared her frustration with her husband, who refused to share the chores equally. She found an ingenious way to highlight his mistake, but the internet questioned if it was worth the stress.

Representative Image Source: Pexels |  Afif Ramdhasuma
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Afif Ramdhasuma

The wife begins her post by describing her husband as "childish and overconfident," noting that he becomes condescending when he believes he's right. "To give a better picture, last year, my husband and I separated because he was having a midlife crisis, but we are now working through it and are trying to fix our marriage," she added. However, the husband did not seem to put enough effort into fixing their marriage. If anything, he was only making things worse. While his wife worked full-time, bringing home the bread, he remained unemployed for over 8 months.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Breakingpic
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Breakingpic

Despite her demanding work schedule, the wife still managed the household chores. However, this was never enough for her insensitive husband. "Since the separation, he will point out things that I have supposedly not done or not done correctly. I was getting annoyed and told him if he didn't like what I was 'not' doing, he could be doing them," she explained. Notwithstanding his berating attitude, the wife decided to give a reality check to her husband. "So I bought a chore chart and wrote all the daily, weekly and monthly chores on the board and checked off what I had already done for the day," she added.

The chore chart only made her husband more furious, as he didn't want his shortcomings pointed out. When she confronted him about his chores, he had no response and just walked away. When she shared this incident on Reddit, many users felt her marriage wasn't worth the stress. Some suggested ways to improve their situation. In an update, she mentioned that they had "strong heart-to-heart" conversations and were working on new approaches.

Image Source: Reddit | u/DemsruleGQPdrool
Image Source: Reddit | u/DemsruleGQPdrool
Image Source: Reddit | u/periwinkle_cupcake
Image Source: Reddit | u/periwinkle_cupcake

"Fair Play cards. I should point out that this is only useful if you both genuinely want a fairer division of household labor, which doesn't sound like the case here," suggested u/geekgirlau. "I'd personally sit down and divide them up. I don't like laundry or even worse, putting new duvet covers on, so that's my other half's thing. She doesn't like washing up, so that's my job," chimed in u/Cleveland_Grackle. "He doesn't have a job! What is keeping him from doing all the chores? If I was unemployed and my wife was working, I'd make damn sure she didn't have to lift a finger when she got back from work and vice versa," remarked u/I_Dont_Like_It_Here. "A chore chart was a suggestion my partner's marriage counselor had with their prior marriage. They tried, but it didn't work," added u/SameCahllenge481.

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