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Wife's wholesome response to her husband's 'upgraded' wedding ring on Valentine's Day wins hearts

Her husband felt he wanted to do justice to their wedding ring so he decided to get an upgrade an their original wedding ring.

Wife's wholesome response to her husband's 'upgraded' wedding ring on Valentine's Day wins hearts
Cover Image Source: Reddit | u/Rpark888

True love seems like a fairy tale that is too good to be true. But u/Rpark888 is proving that sometimes, people do get lucky enough to have those "happily ever afters" in their lives. In a sweet post on Reddit, he shared how his wife stood by him for 7 years, no matter how good or bad things got. He started with nothing when he proposed to her with a "fruity pebble" diamond. On Valentine's Day, he wanted to bestow her a gift to symbolize how far they have come in life, but her answer filled his heart with a new-found affection for her.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Asad Photo Maldives
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Asad Photo Maldives

In the post, he gave some context regarding the whole situation, "7 years ago, she said 'yes' to me with this $500 fruity pebble of a diamond when I was BROKE-broke." The proposal is one of the cherished moments for most women, as they dreamed about it since childhood. Usually, no version of that dream involves a "fruity pebble" diamond. But then, that was all the man could afford because of his financial situation. The woman's love was so strong that she said "yes" despite such a ring and they have been building a great life with each other since then.

Fortunes have turned around for the couple, as the man revealed in his post, "I make $200k now." He prepared a sweet surprise for his wife and wanted to give her a ring upgrade to honor their commitment to each other. As he revealed the gorgeous rings, her response was, "RETURN IT." For the wife, the "fruity pebble" diamond was far more in estimate than the huge diamond he gifted her. It had emotional value for her as it reflected his feelings when he proposed and started their companionship. It symbolizes the life they have faced together and she wouldn't want to return it to the world.

Image Source: Reddit/u/Rpark888
Image Source: Reddit/u/Rpark888

For her, "anything else would be a downgrade" because they wouldn't be filled with the memories she has created with her partner. The husband was overwhelmed hearing the explanation and decided to return the ring. He understood that a gigantic ring cannot signify their relationship, it is the memories that matter. So he used the money to create those with her. He informed in the post, "I am returning this $8k upgrade and I'm taking her to Korea and Japan this winter instead for the same price."

Image Source: Reddit/u/Maleficent-Coat8646
Image Source: Reddit/u/Maleficent-Coat8646
Image Source: Reddit/u/BlueSentinels
Image Source: Reddit/u/BlueSentinels

The comment section adored how the wife prioritized memories over money. u/DCDeviant supported the wife's decision and wrote, "I'm with her there. The first one is lovely and means something. The second ones are... a bit much for a lot of people, but then I hate diamonds, so maybe I'm biased. Memories are worth far more than a common rock, in my opinion. Enjoy your trip!" u/Still-Nothing9950 shared their thoughts and commented, "It's the memory of experiences the first ring comes with and no new ring can ever replace those memories." 

It is not the first time the man has talked about his love story. In the past, he has shared how his wife saved his life and made him a better man. She came through for him when everyone left. He credited his success to her and wrote, "She literally saved my life, and I will spend every day of it trying to repay this unconditional, underserved gift of love that she's given me." The man has also posted a sweet video tribute to his wonderful wife.

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