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Wife's hilariously accurate depiction of men vs women prepping for vacation has people in stitches

The woman is winning the internet with her hysterical representation of two different types of people before vacations.

Wife's hilariously accurate depiction of men vs women prepping for vacation has people in stitches
Cover Image Source: Instagram| @jeenie.weenie

Who does not love a good, relaxing vacation? To make it hassle-free, people usually plan much in advance and have everything, from a detailed itinerary to necessities, in order. Many plan days ahead of their vacations and sort everything so there are no inconveniences. On the other hand, some like to have a spontaneous mindset. A woman named Jeenie–who goes by @jeenie.weenie on Instagram–shared the hilarious reality of how most men and women get ready for vacations. Pointing out contrasting methods, she had everyone laughing at the accuracy. In her depiction, Jeenie shared the example of her husband and herself. 

Image Source: Instagram| @jeenie.weenie
Image Source: Instagram| @jeenie.weenie

“Me one week before vacation,” she said in the video. It showed her indulging in various activities to prepare herself. Starting with shopping for the ideal outfits, followed by packing to perfection, planning costumes and everything. Jeenie went way beyond the extra mile in her preparations. She got her hair, nails and other grooming done. The woman also got her medication and health in place to ensure she had an enjoyable trip. Everything from the face, eyebrows and more were prepped through a special spa, treatment or professional service. 

Image Source: Instagram| @jeenie.weenie
Image Source: Instagram| @jeenie.weenie

As mentioned in her text overlay, Jeenie took at least a week to prepare for everything. Throughout the video, she sported an excited and eager expression, indicating that she enjoyed every bit. Many related to having a proper grooming and pampering routine. However, Jeenie revealed that this is not the case for everyone. While she set aside a week and more to prep, her husband had “quicker” plans. “My husband 20 minutes before the flight,” she wrote in the text overlay. Her husband, as carefree as ever, literally threw pairs of clothes into his suitcase. That was it, as that was his preparation. Having no concern for any of the arrangements like Jeenie, all he needed were his clothes and a suitcase. 

Image Source: Instagram| @jeenie.weenie
Image Source: Instagram| @jeenie.weenie

The wild and contradicting differences aren’t between men and women alone. In her caption, Jeenie wrote, “There are two types of people before vacationing,” proposing that men and women can equally be on either side. The bizarre difference and Jeenie’s enthusiastic depiction had people roaring with laughter. Her expressions and characterization were top-notch. Many people admitted to being like Jeenie and having a whole to-do list before vacations. remarked, “I even made a plan to lose weight. And succeeded.” said, “I can be both types just depending on the situation.” @richardc020 wrote, “I felt attacked and yet also seen.” @mrjpflair exclaimed, “Accurate of all accurateness!!” @greengreenpickles hilariously added, “She’s already on vacation one week before the actual vacation.” On the other side of the spectrum, people vouched for the husband’s flexibly hilarious style. @absurdistnihilistnotcontrarian noted, “I’m the husband in this scenario. My ADHD doesn’t let me do anything until the house is burning down around me.” @em12.l201 shared, “I’m the husband. I’m starting to understand why my female friends always said I was a man in a woman’s body.”

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You can follow Jeenie (@jeenie.weenie) on Instagram for more content on humor and relationships. 

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