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Wife shows how her husband packed her a hilarious 'IKEA pack lunch'

The wife took out everything that her husband had put in the lunch bag and laughed the whole time.

Wife shows how her husband packed her a hilarious 'IKEA pack lunch'
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @ahoskins917

Packing a lunch is an art—not everyone masters it. Middle school teacher Annie, known as @ahoskins917 on TikTok, recently shared how her husband, Janson, took a... unique approach to the task. Instead of assembling a meal, he packed every sandwich ingredient individually—each in its own separate packet. Annie kicked off the video with, "On today's episode of my husband packing my lunch, I have to go through it first thing in the morning because it doesn't fit in my fridge."

Image Source: TikTok | @ahoskins917
Image Source: TikTok | @ahoskins917

She then hoisted up an enormous Walmart bag and began unloading its contents one by one. "Family-size pretzel crisps, the whole package of Laughing Cow cheese—that's like one of my favorite snacks," she said, laughing. Then came a bottle of barbecue sauce—without the lid secured—a small tiffin filled with butter, a medicine bottle for nausea, and finally, the pièce de résistance: a big tiffin containing two pieces of skirt steak and an entire pack of King’s Hawaiian rolls.

Image Source: TikTok | @ahoskins917
Image Source: TikTok | @ahoskins917

She then explained what her husband wanted her to make with all these ingredients. "Butter on the Hawaiian roll with a steak on it as a sandwich dipped in Open Pit. For the side snack, a Laughing Cow cheese, pretzel crisps and an afternoon snack of a cutie," Annie said. She shared that it was not a bad lunch. However, she did not need so much for lunch. "But I'm appreciative of it," the wife concluded.

Image Source: TikTok | @ms.tinavela3
Image Source: TikTok | @ms.tinavela3

The video garnered nearly 3 million views and people found what the husband packed funny. @kristinleigh098 commented, "Just the idea of your husband packing your lunch..priceless..the thought behind everything he included." @polyglot_atheist shared, "Just the fact that you knew what he intended." @twocrazypupsmom said, "How sweet of your husband to pack your lunch and clean out the fridge at the same time." @bath_blich expressed, "Initially I thought 'chaos lunch,' but it's so sweet that he packed it and made sure you had enough/wouldn't be hungry." @m.bluth wrote, "This is the funniest thing I have seen in a long time. It started with a family-size bag of pretzels."

Image Source: TikTok | @danger_panda1
Image Source: TikTok | @danger_panda1

In an interview with PEOPLE, Annie shared that initially, she used to pack her husband's lunches. Since he got a new job, she left for work earlier than him, so he started packing lunches for her. "So he started packing my lunches, just to make life easier, and I don't know how the chaos started," the middle school teacher said. She shared that she made the video because she didn't have much to do that morning in school. "I thought, 'I watch a lot of people who make their kids' lunches. I'll do one like, 'My husband packed my lunch,'" the woman said.


The teacher cleared the air that the butter had not melted when her husband packed it. "People were so mad that that butter was melted and it was only melted because I left my lunch bag, which was a Walmart bag, on the floorboard of my car and I had the heat cranked," she said. "So it wasn't that he sent me with melted butter; it was I accidentally melted it on my way to work." Her husband shared that they both have had bariatric surgery, so they don't really eat a lot, but some days, they are hungrier than others, so he didn't really know how much his wife would eat. He added, "So I was like, 'Well, I'm just going to give her the ingredients, and then she can eat as much or as little as she thinks she can throughout the day.'"

Annie also agreed that she is very particular about how her food is assembled. She said, "My family gives me a hard time because I eat things in a very specific way. So, a lot of times, he sends me things in ingredient form that way I can put them together the way I'll actually eat them." A lot of people online thought that Janson was intentionally packing her lunch "badly," but Annie defended him by saying that it's what they prefer.

You can follow Annie (@ahoskins917) on TikTok for more content on her life as a teacher and as a wife.

This article originally appeared 3 months ago.

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