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Wife hilariously complaining about husband sending glass Tupperware with guests has us in stitches

Most homemakers know that it is a rule not to give out glass Tupperware but unfortunately, Wallins' husband missed the memo and her infuriating dialogue is hilarious.

Wife hilariously complaining about husband sending glass Tupperware with guests has us in stitches
Cover Image Source: TikTok|@burr_iam

When it comes to marriage, it is usual for couples to have a chaotic banter between their contrasting lifestyles and habits. What may work for one partner may be a complete no-no for the other—for instance, leaving a wet towel on the bed or keeping shoes on the ground instead of the rack. These are common practices for some people but for their partners, it’s an ick. Amber Wallin (@burr_iam) hilariously mouthed off after her husband sent glass tupperware with guests. For most homemakers, their utensils occupy a special place in their hearts. Their home decorum runs on how many of these items are present and in what order they’re kept and maintained.

Image Source: TikTok|@burr_iam
Image Source: TikTok|@burr_iam

For Wallins too, her glass tupperware is an integral part of her kitchen. When she realized that her husband sent the same with guests for whatever reasons, she wanted to hysterically rip something apart. Getting the ick as agitatedly as possible, she started complaining as soon as the video began. Getting the attention of her viewers, she tried to calm herself down and took a deep breath. “Marriage is a beautiful thing,” she remarked. Crying and laughing simultaneously, she added, “But... it’s also a horror show!” Agitated over her missing glass Tupperware, she tried to maintain her decorum but was humorously losing it.

Image Source: TikTok|@burr_iam
Image Source: TikTok|@burr_iam

 “Will somebody, somebody, somebody!” she kept yelling in a sing-song manner to emphasize the depth of her feelings. “Please tell my husband that you don’t send glass Tupperware with guests!” she exclaimed. “You don’t send those with guests,” she repeated, appalled at her husband’s error. It was as if he had their very own child away with the guests. “You give guests, plastic Tupperware,” she yelled.

Image Source: TikTok|@burr_iam
Image Source: TikTok|@burr_iam

With several pauses, emphasis and a stern yet infuriated tone, Wallins was getting the message across not just for her partner but all husbands who initiate similar “crises.” “Fannita! Bring back my glass Tupperware!” she yelled. “Ben doesn't know the rules!” she exclaimed in horror. Titling her above-said statement as “Rule No.1 of marriage,” Wallins garnered the support of several wives and married partners. Many related to her pain of having to part with her “glass Tupperware,” and echoed her message in the comments. Over 2k people chimed in to support Wallins’ sentiments and to send the message loud and clear. @musicntielemix wrote, “They don’t get Tupperware. Period. They either get a zippy bag or a paper plate with foil on the top.”

Image Source: TikTok|@helenjp1313
Image Source: TikTok|@helenjp1313
Image Source: TikTok|@mommy_plus
Image Source: TikTok|@mommy_plus

@alyssa_laurin2 exclaimed, “That’s crazy because my mom’s friend got us food in a glass pan lid over four years ago and we still got it.” @jasmineelliscomedy mentioned, “I would scream if my Good Pyrex left my address. Guests get the takeout containers I’m too cheap to throw away.” @teamjameys18 shared, “My sister gave me glass Tupperware and she better be glad she got it back two years later in good condition.” @mollymack51said, “You better go buy another one, it’s gone, bye-bye.”

You can follow Amber Wallins (@burr_iam) on TikTok for more content on humor and relationships.

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