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Wife gives husband 'play-by-play' of her day after he joked that she does nothing at home

The wife responds to her husband's skepticism about her day by texting him a detailed play-by-play, revealing how much work she did.

Wife gives husband 'play-by-play' of her day after he joked that she does nothing at home
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @maishatok

Homemakers are often treated as unemployed individuals despite their vital role in running a household. In reality, homemakers manage households, nurture families and contribute significantly to society's well-being. However, a lack of financial compensation and recognition in society means that they are severely undervalued. Son when a woman named Maisha—who goes by @maishatok on TikTok—was told by her husband that she does nothing at home, she decided to set the record straight. She decided to give a detailed overview of her day's activities to her husband while he was at work.

Image Source: TikTok | @maishatok
Image Source: TikTok | @maishatok

She shared the entire incident on TikTok and the video went viral with people commending the mom for doing the right thing. The text overlay reads, "My husband made a joke that he thinks I sleep all day whilst he's at work and I'm doing nothing." Maisha decides to showcase how being a homemaker is no small duty by sending him periodic updates on everything she does in a day. Her tasks range from washing bottles and dishes to rearranging things in the fridge. Maisha also takes care of her son while cleaning and maintaining the house all day, which is no small feat.

Image Source: TikTok | @maishatok
Image Source: TikTok | @maishatok

At one point, she types out a text that reads, "Replies to messages, scrolls, checks emails, tries to prove point to worthless husband." After a bunch of updates, her husband reveals how his phone is continuously buzzing with all of his wife's updates. He presumably got the message his wife is trying to convey and will probably never joke about homemakers doing nothing all day.

Image Source: TikTok | @dollll32
Image Source: TikTok | @dollll32
Image Source: TikTok | @nattiebear
Image Source: TikTok | @nattiebear

People in the comments section were delighted to see the woman standing up for herself. @annalouise86 commented, "You need to go away for a weekend and leave him to care for the baby by himself. Nothing works better!" @slothaholiic highlighted, "I think I saw him screaming apologies in there somewhere, but you had no mercy." Another individual, @elle_eastersuburbsmum, shared, "Yep, my husband acts like him helping load the dishwasher after dinner each night is a humungous contribution to household chores, lol."

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Biova Nakou
Representative Image Source: Pexels| Biova Nakou

Another issue that has been observed with the role of the homemaker is how women are considered to be ideal for it. A man who is a homemaker is met with a lot of prejudice by other people. u/TeachingKey5148 recounted an experience where he faced suspicion of being a predator simply for being a man caring for his daughters at the playground. Somehow, an action that mothers do every day becomes problematic for men. The man shared that he loved being a homemaker and that it was his passion. His friends were unsupportive and made fun of him when they got to know about this.

He recounted how a mother closely watched him while he was at the park with his daughters. She confronted him and he explained that he was their father, but she accused him of being a "creep" and threatened to call the police. To avoid trouble for his daughters, he left calmly. The incident deeply troubled him, and he concluded the post by insisting that men in childcare roles needed to be more normalized.

You can follow Maisha (@maishatok) on her TikTok page to get more insights into what it's like to be a homemaker.

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