A husband wanted his wife to sacrifice her career, but she set a special condition for agreeing.
Despite having successful careers, many women are still expected to take on outdated roles like raising children and managing the household. While some push back against these norms, Reddit user u/Status-Mention6793 chose a creative approach. A mother of two with another on the way, she found herself in a difficult position when her husband asked her to become a stay-at-home mom. In response, she offered a bold counterproposal in exchange for leaving her career.
She took to the popular AITAH Reddit forum to ask whether her conditions for quitting her job to become a stay-at-home mom were unreasonable. In the post, she explained that she and her husband, both 35, had been married for six years. "He said he wanted me to be a housewife and stop working. I was really upset, but he argued it would be better for our family since he can provide a comfortable life. After a few weeks of thinking, I told him I would agree, but only if I get half of his company," she wrote.
Her husband was surprised, but she explained that the longer she stayed out of the workforce, the more she would lose her chance at finding proper employment again. If they ever divorced, she wouldn’t have a financial cushion to fall back on, while her husband would continue earning more each year. Hence, she wanted half of his company. "If we never divorce, which is the goal of all marriages, then it wouldn’t matter, but should it end, it would be the price of me staying home and raising our children so he could be less worried and stressed out. His words were that he would be less anxious and stressed out if he knew they were with me rather than with strangers in daycare or nannies," the post continued.
When the woman shared her demand with her friends, they weren't supportive of her decision and her best friend even called her disgusting. Taken aback, she decided to seek some unbiased advice from strangers online. u/attempted-catharsis commented, "This isn't even uncommon and I've seen it many times in my line of work. Often, the spouse holds 49%, but there are built-in buyout conditions so that in the event of a divorce, the partner running the business can buy out their partner over time for market value." u/Hi_Im_Dadbot wrote, "He's asking you to make a sacrifice for the sake of the company. If you never get divorced, then no worries. If you do, then the extra attention he's able to give to the business due to your taking on the domestic roles benefits both of you equally, as it should."
u/LunarVortexLoL shared, "You don't want to be the bitter woman finding out in her 50s that waiting tables is her only option because her professional career skills have passed their due date. My mom, who was very highly qualified, had a decent career going into her 20s and early 30s. Then, she agreed to be a stay-at-home wife for my dad without any backup plan. Dad eventually left. She's now in her 60s, has almost no pension, no savings, is very chronically ill and yet needs to somehow work two different jobs far below her original qualification with no way of retiring soon. She deeply regrets not having made any kind of backup plan for this case. Please, don't make this mistake."
u/daveymcman suggested, "I gave my wife 49%. I still wanted to run the business my way, but understood her needs. I sold it 10 years ago, married 40 years, this year," To this, the woman replied, "This is what we have agreed on now." Thankfully, the matter has settled between the couple.