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Whole neighborhood turns up to wave goodbye to couple arrested for harassing the community

An entire neighborhood in Grayson County north of Dallas, gathered to wave goodbye to their annoying neighbors as they were taken away by the police.

Whole neighborhood turns up to wave goodbye to couple arrested for harassing the community
Cover Image Source: TikTok/jessikadykeee

A video making the rounds of the internet this week shows how an entire neighborhood in Grayson County north of Dallas, gathered to wave goodbye to their annoying neighbors. The video, posted by TikTok by a user named jessikadykeee, detailed how a couple had been allegedly "harassing" the entire community and was ultimately hauled off to jail. "Bye bye... [Wife's] charges: assault on a peace officer, disorderly conduct, resisting arrest. Husband: deadly misconduct, resisting arrest," the video caption read. Having accumulated over 8.7 million views on TikTok alone, the clip was also shared to Reddit's popular r/Trashy page, with the caption: "Satisfying end to a couple."

Image Source: TikTok/jessikadykeee


The video begins with a pearl-colored Mini Cooper speeding down a road while honking continuously for no apparent reason. "So my parents' neighborhood has been harassed by these two individuals," a voiceover explained. "So I called the law on her. And the whole gang pulled up to watch the show." The footage zoomed in to show the couple arguing with a responding officer who confronted them about their behavior while other members of the community sat about in lawn chairs looking at the action. "She wouldn't take the ticket and assaulted the police officer… and littered," the voiceover added.

Image Source: TikTok/jessikadykeee


In the comments section of the video, the TikToker explained: "The Karens are very bitter people. Before they started harassing the neighborhood, they have been harassing the city and the local PD. The Karens got a ticket in January or so about trash or something in their yard, and the Karens refused to pay that ticket as well... They have been giving the city hell for months. [They] go around town and take pictures of absolutely anything that they believe the city should write tickets for... example: leaning telephone poles, chickens trespassing in her yard. Pretty much anything she takes a picture of, she will post and complain."

Image Source: TikTok/jessikadykeee


"Then she started problems with her neighbor," they continued. "And it all started with a property line issue. She believes that her neighbor is mowing her property (which they aren't) but it became such an issue that they had a surveyor come out and mark the property lines. This woman is so bitter that she took her clothesline and set it right on the property line. May I add, these houses all have about an acre lot... but she did that just to irritate her neighbors." The TikToker then revealed the many ways in which the couple had been terrorizing the entire community.

Image Source: TikTok/jessikadykeee


"She would drive by honking at 6 am and yelling out her windows. She also took a speaker and put it in her window and blared music at night while all the next-door neighbors were sleeping. She did a bunch of sh*t out of spite for no reason at all. She purposely tried to make everyone's life hell," they wrote. On the day the TikTok user called the cops on the couple, they said the duo had threatened a neighbor who "was helping the Karens' neighbor" mow their yard. "While he was mowing the property line, Karens came out videoing and saying that the neighbor ruined their clothes by blowing grass on them. The dude Karen comes out of the house with a big stick chasing the dude on the mower, trying to hit him," they explained.

Image Source: TikTok/jessikadykeee


"After that happened, the Karens loaded up in their car and started honking for like 30 minutes straight in front of our house..," they added. What followed is everything you see in the video. User jessikadykeee revealed in another video that after getting out on bail, the "Karens came home and packed a bunch of stuff and left. Hopefully, she stays gone, she brought her 'friend' to come help her get some stuff."

Image Source: TikTok/jessikadykeee
Image Source: Reddit/Worldly_Shoe840
Image Source: Reddit/MotherButterscotch44
Image Source: Reddit/KingKaos420-

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