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Shop offers free bagels, coffee to anyone who can't afford it: 'Whoever needs, come and eat'

The restaurant also asks people who wish to contribute to make a donation to the store's 'neighbors account' to help cover the cost.

Shop offers free bagels, coffee to anyone who can't afford it: 'Whoever needs, come and eat'
Cover Image Source: (L) Facebook | Goldie's Bagels; (R) Instagram | @goldiesbagels

A bagel shop in Columbia, Missouri, is giving back to society in its own way. Goldie's Bagels put out an announcement that whoever needs food can come and eat at the store free of cost. Customers who can't afford to eat can now get a bagel, schmear and a coffee at Goldie's Bagels by charging it to the restaurant's "neighbors" account. The restaurant also asks the people who wish to contribute to transfer to the neighbors account to pay down the balance.



Goldie's Bagels sells classic New York style bagels coupled with breakfast in a Jewish style. Last fall, after popping up inside Pizza Tree for a year, Goldie’s Bagels opened up in a space on Ninth Street in Columbia, Missouri. “Whoever needs, come and eat. If you are without funding and would like a bagel with schmear and/or coffee, please place an order and ask us to charge it to our Neighbors Account. We are happy you're here! If you are interested in contributing, please let us know your order. We can pay down the balance of our Neighbors Account with any amount you’d like to contribute. We're happy you're here!" the placard inside the eatery reads.


Many people are appreciating the generosity of this business, expressing support for the owners of the cafe. A Facebook user, Martha Echols, commented, "I took a pic of that sign last time I was in there too! Heartening to see such a caring approach." Another user said, "I can't eat bagels anymore, but I'm happy Goldie's Bagels is here." A user tweeted in support, saying: "Why isn't there a sign like this in every eating establishment, thank you Goldie's Bagels!"



In an interview with Feast Magazine before its opening, the owner Amanda Rainey says she plans on delivering a proper Jewish breakfast experience. “We’re really going to lean on the Jewish Ashkenazi culture,” she said. “We’ll have Jewish deli sandwiches, tuna salads, matzo ball soup – classic comfort food.” The restaurant has been very significant personally for Rainey who has been a part of the Jewish community in Columbia since she moved there 18 years ago to attend college. “Thirty-six is like double ‘Chaim,'" she says. The coffee shop will be concentrating on Jewish bakery traditions. For Rainey, "to be able to provide food for the Jewish community, it’s really special to me. I’m excited for that."



In 2020, a New York City deli cashier also thought he'd share the joy by allowing customers to take food home for free. There was, however, a small catch. They had to correctly answer a simple math problem before they could treat themselves to free goodies. It turns out there are some benefits to learning math. The deli cashier, Ahmad Alwan, said he wanted to "help people" but "wanted to make it fun. So I made a TikTok and chose a challenge, asking them a math question. It's a way to entertain and educate people in need while putting a smile on their face too."



In 2021, Perfectly Frank, a hot dog and burger joint in Norfolk, Virginia, also began operating a free meal program to feed the neighborhood with meal donations from customers. No questions are asked in the Franks for Friends program, which provides one free meal per day to anyone in need. "Maybe COVID-19 hit them really hard, or they're in between jobs—or maybe they're taking a meal for their neighbor," Tarah Morris, the owner of Perfectly Frank, said. "We don't ask any questions."


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