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White woman gets schooled for claiming 8-year-old Black kid 'threatened' her by riding his bike

Netizens are praising a Black man for standing up to a woman who cussed out an eight-year-old child for riding his bike near her.

White woman gets schooled for claiming 8-year-old Black kid 'threatened' her by riding his bike
Cover Image Source: Twitter/Tyrone Bryant

After months of shaking our heads at disturbing videos of Karens and Kevins being racist and entitled pieces of garbage, we now have a hero who taught a White woman a valuable and unforgettable lesson in racial prejudice. Netizens are praising a Black man for standing up to a woman who cussed out an eight-year-old child for riding his bike near her and giving her an earful for claiming that she felt "threatened" by the kid, who is also Black. The unidentified man's schooling session was captured in a video currently making the rounds of the internet.

The video, which is a little of a minute and a half long, shows the man defending the children and calling out the woman's racist, gentrifying behavior after she appeared to claim that the small child deliberately tried to hit her multiple times. Despite initially standing her ground, the woman eventually admitted that he was simply racing down the sidewalk without regard for pedestrian safety which — as the dismayed man tries to explain to her — might have something to do with the fact that the boy is merely eight years old.




"An eight-year-old kid? You want to curse an eight-year-old kid out," he asks her. "If that was a White kid, would you do that?" The woman immediately claims that she would've acted the same way if it had been a White kid, seemingly forgetting the fact that cursing at children irrespective of race isn't going to win her any points. The camera then pans to show a small child on a bike across the street while the man and woman continued to argue and gesture at the boy. While the bike appears to have been motorized in some way, the video reveals that the sidewalks were quite spacious in spite of the woman's objections to the child riding on them.





"In your community, where do [kids] ride bikes at?" the man asks. "On the street," the woman immediately responds over the sound of street traffic. "Okay, well guess what, this is our community, this is our playground," said the man. Although bikes are meant to be ridden on the street, unlike suburban neighborhoods, the sidewalks can be the only safe places for kids to play in urban areas. The woman then tried to get one over the man by saying that she finds his implication that she isn't a part of the same community "rude."

Image Source: Twitter/Tyrone Bryant


However, he immediately shot it down by pointing out that she probably didn't grow up in a place like that and was only living there due to the process of gentrification. "Yeah, y'all came here under gentrification," he said. "This is where we born and raised, all our life, this is our backyard. We don't have backyards." The woman still tries to make excuses by saying that she spends money in the community but fails to win the argument as the life-long resident reminds her that money has nothing to do with character.


Image Source: Twitter/Tyrone Bryant


"That's an eight-year-old kid. If his mother was here, you'd be fighting over you threatening her child," he said. The woman then proceeds to attack the 8-year-old's character by accusing him of threatening her three times. However, when asked how the child threatened her, her reply was: "By going next to me on the sidewalk at a fast speed." The video cuts out after the man calls the woman's behavior "sad," a sentiment shared by several netizens. "The fact she thinks a child riding by her is a threat is utterly ridiculous. Furthermore, she could have easily told him it was dangerous and be careful but because she saw a child without any adults around she thought she could talk to him any kind of way. NO," tweeted @_BlackBecky.

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