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Walmart greeter brightens up every shopper's day with her infectious energy

Mary Ruth Robinson, after losing the love of her life, felt lonely but now has become the reason behind hundreds of smiles.

Walmart greeter brightens up every shopper's day with her infectious energy
Cover Image Source: YouTube/ Photo by WDRB News - Official

Being part of a community helps individuals to cover themselves with a warm blanket of togetherness whenever they are struck with tragedy. Loneliness is not a great feeling, especially after losing the love of your life. 86-year-old Mary Ruth Robinson was going through this unimaginable pain, and that's when the people around her stepped up to help her, as reported by Good News Network. It is not only the community helping Robinson get through this sad time in her life, she is also helping them with her cheerful personality making their dull days brighter. Her greetings help people to face their days with a positive attitude.


Mary Ruth Robinson is an endearing part of the Carrollton community in Kentucky. She works in the locality's Walmart as a greeter. At the entrance of the shop, you will find her every day donning colorful clogs along with a blue hat. She is the best at her job despite her age because of her infectious personality. Her kindness is so appealing that every customer that walks through those doors is touched by it. She makes sure to talk to every customer and ensures that they leave with a smile on their faces. In a shopper Ted Holcomb's words to WDRB News, “You don’t find somebody like her every day anymore”.



Robinson's chirpy personality is even more inspiring considering the tragedy she had to recently face in her life. Some time ago she lost her husband Jackie on their wedding anniversary. The couple were facing a taxing battle with Jackie's Parkinsons for five years. There were some wins and some losses, but they made sure to spend every moment with utmost happiness. She fondly talks of her relationship saying, "I wish everybody could have that kind of love”. After losing him she knew she needed something to focus or loneliness would creep up on her because of missing him so much.


As someone who always adored her independence, she wanted to again get out in the world and have something to look forward to every day. She wanted to take up work again to enjoy life again. Walmart is happy to have her on its team because of the joy it provides her and its customers. The spokesperson gave the statement, "She’s making connections and getting the love she is missing at home with the help of shoppers. It’s so sweet how shoppers are really coming through for her in her time of need.”

Robinson's kindness and cheerfulness is responded by the community with open arms. She is always smiling and available for hugs and selfies. A person could be in the worst mood possible and they just cheer up seeing her smile. She gives them a kind ear to listen to their problems and embraces them if she thinks they are in need of one. Her aim is to not let anyone get out of the gates sad and dejected. Her efforts are so genuine that a shopper whose son is autistic and usually does not like any kind of physical proximity became so close to her that he began hugging Robinson every time he came to the shop. She hopes to keep sharing her positivity and affect people with the power of kindness.

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