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Walmart employee calls out racist coworkers over loudspeaker and quits in epic mic drop video

The frustrated employee posted the video of her resignation announcement on social media, revealing that she'd been miserable at the "toxic job."

Walmart employee calls out racist coworkers over loudspeaker and quits in epic mic drop video
Image source: Twitter/@shanaquiapo

Shoppers in a Texas Walmart were treated to an unusual store announcement over the weekend when a now-former staff member launched a damning tirade against the management and her co-workers over the PA system. Shana Ragland had a laundry list of grievances about her time working in the stockroom of a Walmart store in Lubbock, Texas, and decided to air them all out while quitting her job in spectacular fashion on Saturday. The frustrated employee posted the video of her resignation announcement on social media, revealing that she'd been miserable at the "toxic job."


"Finally quit my toxic job that was making me absolutely miserable for a year and seven months. F**k Walmart," Ragland tweeted. In the one-minute-long video, she called out everything from the poor managerial skills of her superiors to the racist and sexist behavior of her co-workers at the store. "Attention all Walmart shoppers, associates, and managers. My name is Shana from Cap 2, and I just want to come on here and say Henry is a racist, stinky prick. Giovanna is racist. Elias is a prick of a manager," she began. "This company fires Black associates for no reason. This company treats their employees like s**t, especially Cap 2."


"And Jimmy from Sporting Goods, Joseph the cashier, Larry from the Garden Center: You are all perverts, and I hope you don’t talk to your daughters the way you talk to me," Ragland continued. Only one co-worker named Ariel managed to escape her scorching condemnation as Ragland sincerely thanked her for getting her the job when she needed it. "Shout out to Ariel. I f***ing love you for getting me this job a year ago when I needed it most. F**k the managers, f**k this company, f**k this position, and f**k that big, lazy b***h, Chris Price. I f**king quit," she signed off.



"I'm out. F**k this place," Ragland added to the camera after slamming down the PA systems handset. According to Daily Mail, Ragland β€” who was in charge of unloading stock from delivery trucks and stacking the shelves β€” also posted the video on TikTok where it got over 1.1 million likes within 48 hours of being uploaded. Meanwhile, Twitter had mixed reactions to her resignation with some thanking her for calling out the toxic work environment and others criticizing her resigning in this manner as unprofessional.



"I worked for Walmart for four years as Cap 2 and Cap 1. Management would hire people that would quit within two months and wouldn't hire anyone for three or four months and run skeleton crews into the dirt. It's backwoods backward there. Wouldn't work there again," shared Twitter user Ron. "This is a true story! I've watched you all allow men to treat females in a disgusting fashion! Please look into her story and all your stores! Management always looks the other way! Always, and it is gross," Leslie Black urged Walmart. "I've worked at 2 Walmart (not hers). I've had friends who have worked at others. Myself and friends felt the awfulness of management allowing it. Maybe some Walmarts are different, but if [the] GM aren't backing you, and nationwide people claim issues then I believe there is an issue."




Some expressed concerns about the now-viral video affecting Ragland's chances of being hired somewhere else. "Had you considered that since this went viral; the employer for the career you want might see this & remember how you exited the previous position? While it may have felt good in the moment; it was actually quite unprofessional of you making you no better than those you spoke of," wrote @SirScotsman






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