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Volunteer knitters find wholesome way to help families grieving the loss of their loved ones

For families that worry their late loved ones couldn't finish what they started, these knitters strive to bring them closure.

Volunteer knitters find wholesome way to help families grieving the loss of their loved ones
Cover Image Source: Facebook | Loose Ends Project

Nothing can compare to how handmade gifts make us feel. It may be a painting, craft work or knitted garments, but what matters the most is the person's intention to spend time and effort for someone and offer them something unique. However, life is unpredictable and sometimes such handmade projects can go unfinished as the makers fall sick or pass away. Knowing that there are a lot of such unfinished knitted projects left behind in many families across the country, knitting enthusiasts Jennifer Simonic and Masey Kaplan decided to complete these projects for them. While they were initially doing it for friends, it later bloomed into the Loose Ends Project, which now fulfills the wishes of many grieving families.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Eva Bronzini
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Eva Bronzini

The non-profit organization, founded in 2022, aims to "ease grief, create community and inspire generosity by matching volunteer handwork finishers with projects people have left unfinished due to death or disability." With over 19000 volunteer finishers across the United States and 63 other countries, the organization completes projects that involve knitting, crocheting, quilting, rug hooking, or many other craft works, as per their press release. Simonic and Kaplan realized how such incomplete projects of late loved ones left a void in the families' hearts and decided to bring smiles to their faces by delivering the product close to their expectations. 


"Handmade items are gestures of love. The time, expense, and skill that go into making them are impossible to quantify. When you wear something made especially for you, it feels good — the recipient of a handmade gift is thoughtfully considered with each stitch. When a maker dies mid-project, this tangible, handmade expression of love could get lost, donated, or thrown out. Loose Ends volunteers' goals are to finish these projects as intended and give them back to be used and cherished," said Kaplan. The non-profit built its network by reaching out to knitters and crafters through craft stores, online search and word of mouth.


Simonic mentioned that the generous crafters were already involved in donating stuff to hospitals, shelters and schools and that Loose Ends was just another addition to their kindness. However, some clients prefer to finish the products themselves rather than seek a volunteer's help. In such cases, Loose Ends also teaches the project owners how to get it done and also makes a collaborative effort if necessary. This initiative not only brightens the day of grieving families but also offers a sense of fulfillment to the volunteer finishers. 


Recently, Loose Ends shared a heartwarming story of a project owner, Cindy, whose grandmother left this world before she could finish a project that she started for Cindy's future child. With the help of a Loose Ends volunteer, the project owner got her grandmother's project completed and was excited to pass the legacy on to the next generation. In another instance, a project owner submitted an unfinished knitted sheep left behind by her late friend. Loose Ends lent a helping hand in completing the sheep close to what the maker expected it to be.


"Such a ripple effect of goodness & kindness— you guys are bringing healing to the world. It is the purity of the action that is so vital in today's world. It's not something easy to find or create these days. The process itself creates the pureness and empathy we all need— now more than ever— and it then becomes a Divine act. This is powerful stuff," read a testimonial. Another said, "I can't think of a better way to love people."

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