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Videos of pro-Trumpers throwing tantrums after getting kicked off flights from DC go viral

A slew of videos showing belligerent passengers, many of whom are dressed in MAGA merch, being forced off planes or denied boarding are going viral online.

Videos of pro-Trumpers throwing tantrums after getting kicked off flights from DC go viral
Cover Image Source: Twitter/@NoFlyListVids

What's the internet watching these days? Videos of Trump supporters bawling and throwing tantrums after getting kicked off flights from Washington D.C. following the violent attack on the U.S. Capitol building on January 6. Much to the delight of those frustrated and angered by last week's riot, a slew of videos showing belligerent passengers β€” many of whom are dressed in MAGA merch β€” being forced off planes or denied boarding after supposedly being placed on the FBI's no-fly list are going viral online. While many believe that the individuals in the videos have been placed on the list for their participation in the rampage, CNN reports that this might not be the case.



It is more likely that they were kicked off flights for another phenomenon commonly associated with Trump supporters: refusing to wear masks and comply with other Covid-19-related safety policies. Having said that, at least one member of Congress and airline worker unions have called for known riot participants to be put on the FBI-managed no-fly list. While it's not clear yet if that step has been taken, and if it has, it would prevent known and suspected terrorists from getting airline tickets.



Airlines and two unions representing flight attendants have also expressed concern about in-flight security as pro-Trump rioters were reportedly involved in several altercations on flights to DC ahead of the insurrection. "We are incredibly concerned about recent politically motivated incidents onboard passenger aircraft," read a statement from the APFA president Julie Hedrick. "Regardless of one's political beliefs, the cabin of a commercial aircraft must, out of necessity, be a calm environment for the safety of everyone onboard."

Alaska Airlines revealed in a statement that it banned 14 passengers that were onboard a flight from DC to Seattle on January 7 after they refused to wear masks and were "rowdy, argumentative and harassed our crew members."



Meanwhile, union representatives are calling for the FBI to add as many rioters as possible to the federal no-fly list, while also urging federal regulators to do more to discourage dangerous or disturbing behavior on flights. "Airlines and law enforcement agencies have bolstered security at Washington-area airports this week after reports of 'mob behavior' on flights in and out of the region surrounding Wednesday's siege on the US Capitol," reads a January 9 statement from the Association of Flight Attendants.



"Every airline flying out of the region over the last several days has experienced incidents onboard. Flight Attendants House Homeland Security Chairman Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.) on Thursday urged TSA and the FBI to add 'violent perpetrators' who participated in the Capitol riots to the federal No-Fly List," it adds. If such measures are enforced we are sure to see more tantrums such as the one in this video below:


"This is what they do to us! They kicked me off the plane! They called me a terrorist," the man in the video cried before another woman, who was also kicked off a flight, attempted to calm him down. She was also seen crying in another video seemingly captured by a Trumper who claimed that they were removed from their respective flights for "supporting President Trump." 


On Monday, Democrat Rep. Peter DeFazio, chair of the House Transportation Committee, said in a statement that he is urging the FAA and its administrator, Stephen Dickson, "to limit the chance that the Nation's commercial airline system could be used as a means of mass transportation to Washington, DC, for further violence in connection with the inauguration." The FAA also issued a separate statement, announcing that "unruly behavior on an airplane may violate federal law" and that it can result in jail time and fines of up to $35,000.








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