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This video of volunteers serving a Thanksgiving feast to shelter animals will melt your heart

They spoke about how it is one of the "most fantastic traditions" that they have.

This video of volunteers serving a Thanksgiving feast to shelter animals will melt your heart
Cover Image Source: Reddit | @westcoastcdn19

Thanksgiving is incomplete without the delicious platter of food. So it is for rescue animals. That's why a volunteer group decided to share food with the rescue animals on Thanksgiving at Salt Lake County Animal Services in Utah.



In the adorable video, people can be seen preparing food plates for cats and dogs and then giving them in the kennels. It starts with a woman saying, "We were preparing Thanksgiving food for the dogs." Another person says, "This is my fifth year Thanksgiving for the cats. Then they go on to talk about what they brought for the cats, "I got treats, cat nip, and grass." For the dogs, they had "pumpkin, mashed potatoes, wet dog food, some treats, apple sauce."

Reddit | @westcoastcdn19
Reddit | @westcoastcdn19


They also speak about how it is one of the "most fantastic traditions" that they have. Talking about the volunteers, a woman said, "It is fun that these volunteers come out so early in the morning and just do a prep line and get out there." She goes on to talk about how the animals also love it. "It's really fun in the kennels too, we can see their eyes light up, you can get them surprised about it, and it's just quiet down there as they are getting something that they do not typically get and they are so excited about it. They love it." 



Later in the video, a person says that they have 84 dogs "who are waiting to find their homes, go to foster, get out of the shelter and find homes. We would love you to come out here and take a look at them."

Reddit | @westcoastcdn19
Reddit | @westcoastcdn19


It concludes with a woman talking about the food that was given to the animals."Every ingredient that we give them on the Thanksgiving breakfast is something that they get daily around here. We make pupsicles for them. Nothing is out of the ordinary, we give them daily so they are not going to have stomach issues with this."

Reddit | @westcoastcdn19
Reddit | @westcoastcdn19


Many on the Internet loved the video and spoke about their own foster cats and dogs. A user said, "My foster fail is sleeping at my feet and my 4th foster is chewing a bone. It brings me a lot of joy knowing these animals are out of their small cages and about to find their forever homes." Another said, "I brought home a whole bundle of leftovers for my rescue dogs and cat tonight. They have no idea how spoiled they’re about to be, they already got a bunch of new toys that my sister's dog doesn’t play with so they are having a blast in the other room right now and tonight they are getting turkey and dressing and gravy and taters and a little pumpkin pie filling on their food." Another user wrote, "This is wonderful, bless these people for taking time out of their Thanksgiving to do something special for these animals ❤"


However, some users were concerned about the animals' health as they were not having their regular food. A user wrote, "If I even change my cats' kibble from one brand to another they get the squirts. If you have them one of those plates they'd be in for some horrible stomach cramps." Another said, "No kidding. I know events like this bring needed attention to shelters but this seems like it could cause more harm than good, especially if they were recently strays and not used to eating much of anything at all."

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