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TV reporter gets interrupted when his mom randomly drives by while he's filming: 'Hi, Baby!'

'Typical Sandi. Yes, typical Sandi...' the reporter joked, sharing the relatable mom-son moment on social media.

TV reporter gets interrupted when his mom randomly drives by while he's filming: 'Hi, Baby!'
Cover Image Source: Instagram/Myles Harris

Editor's note: This article was originally published on February 24, 2022. It has since been updated.

A local Ohio television reporter found himself ambushed with an impromptu "take your parent to work day" this week when his mom decided to randomly drop by. Myles Harris—who mainly covers news in his hometown of Columbus, Ohio—was out on a field reporting assignment for ABC affiliate WSYX on Tuesday when the camera captured the precious proud mom-embarrassed son moment. A clip of the hilarious interaction shared on the reporter's Instagram account has been viewed more than 734k times since being posted with many internet users being able to deeply relate to the touching exchange.


The 21-second-long clip begins with Harris preparing to shoot a story with his back to the road. When he turns to look at traffic, he instantly appears to notice an approaching vehicle as he recognizes his mom even from a distance. With an exasperated flap of his arms and a put-upon frown, Harris suddenly turns to the cameraman and informs him: "That's my mom. Hold on." A black car rolls up next to him with the window down just then and Harris's mother greets him with an enthusiastic shout: "Hi, baby!"


As cameraman DeAngelo Byrd laughs in the background, an exasperated Harris tells his mom that she can say hi quickly, but that he's a little busy at the moment. "I'm trying to work right now and you're over here calling my phone," he tells her in the video. "This is DeAngelo, you can say hi. And don't be holding up traffic because you got cars behind you." The video ends with his mother saying "alright" and blowing him a kiss before driving away again out of shot. Joking about the whole interaction on social media, Harris captioned the Instagram post: "Typical Sandi. Yes, typical Sandi... Thanks for [DeAngelo Byrd] who kept rolling."


Byrd also shared the video in his socials, writing: "What a blessing to share such a joyful moment... so happy I captured this and mama Sandi came by to show some love!! Myles Harris has a great mom." Internet users were just as amused by the heartwarming interaction between Harris and his mom. "Mama was going around the city looking for him just to say hi. Gotta love a good mom," commented charisseworks08. "This is the first video I watched today and it's going to be the one that will stick with me for the rest of the day. Too cute and too funny. I'm glad you recorded. Thanks," wrote lulumeaud.


"It was the 'what is she doing?' arms gesture for me... as soon as you saw your mom's car. I felt that" commented josiely. "LMBO, my dad did the same thing to me when I was being interviewed on the radio... called in and said 'Hi Baby' and I went into my 5-year-old self and said 'Hi Dad-deeee' LOL," revealed crhae1908. "Most precious thing I've seen today. When she said... 'Hi D'Angelo,' It was like she was talking to his friends on the playground," Maya Lynn commented on YouTube


"As someone from Ohio I can say for sure, this man is very happy to see his mother at work and she is very happy to embarrass him like that. True Ohioans," shared The009 while Moniqua Roberson commented: "Ohmygawd I luv' this!! Warmed my soul and gave me a good belly laugh! That would be me all day with my son, lolol! His reaction is so pure and he loves his Momma too! He knows she's a love-filled proud Momma. I needed this in my life at this very moment."

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