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Twitter users share 21 uniquely hilarious family traditions that looked normal but were absolutely not

The Acid King executive producer Nicole Cliff decided to put out a tweet, asking people to share rituals that their families followed which seemed perfectly normal but were not.

Twitter users share 21 uniquely hilarious family traditions that looked normal but were absolutely not
Image Source: Pexels/ Photo by ALINA MATVEYCHEVA

Every family follows a tradition that is exclusive to them only. It is not known to many outside the family as they feel keeping the tradition a secret will give it more value and a longer shelf-life. Thinking on these lines, The Acid King executive producer Nicole Cliff decided to put out a tweet, asking people to share rituals that their families followed which seemed perfectly normal but were not. To everyone's surprise, the post led to responses that took everyone by surprise. Though the original tweet has since been deleted, the responses are still up.

Image Source: Pexels/ Photo by cottonbro studio
Image Source: Pexels/ Photo by cottonbro studio


In the tweet, Cliff wrote, "Our kids can say, ‘Dad trained us to say, 'Yes sir, how high sir' when he made a harrumphing noise, as a joke, but honestly we always just did what we wanted because he’s a colossal sucker”. The post clearly showcased the ease with which family can convince people that something is normal, even if common logic might reflect something opposite. The responses also reflected some lesser-known cultural practices that were unique, even if not popular. 

1. Grandma giving her property away as inheritance



2. Cursing is 'Nintendo language'



3. Treasuring a spider



4. Detailed grocery list



5. Weird motto



6. Unique phrases



7. Excessive attachment to pets



8. Sugar ban



9. Talking at the same time



10. Being a Cesar Chavez fan is not common



11. Taking sins seriously



12. "Get wet jeopardy"



13. "The chubby guy"



14. Realization that men can also be rabbis



15. Parents do take interest in children's grades



16. Good cuddle from mommy is not the norm



17. 'No' is not the answer to everything



18. Not everyone had to wear tracksuits




19. Napkins should always be on the lap



20. 'Squoze' is not a word



21. Gas station does not mean 'fart'


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