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20 baffling photos that'll turn your brain into mush the longer you stare at them

While most photos in our galleries end up being forgotten in a day or two, some possess a certain quality about them that makes them stand out from the rest.

20 baffling photos that'll turn your brain into mush the longer you stare at them
Cover Image Source: Reddit

In today's day and age of social media, our overcrowded phone galleries are proof of just how many moments in life we feel need to be permanently documented. Be it special occasions like graduations, proms, weddings, holidays, etc or casual get-togethers with friends on a Friday evening or even a lazy day at home with your dog, there's always a reason to pull out our cameras and get clicking. While most of these end up being forgotten in a day or two, certain photographs possess a certain quality about them that makes them stand out from the rest. Irrespective of whether they are the result of our photographic talents or just sheer luck, these snaps deserve to be admired again and again. Check out some such absolute gems on the internet:

1. Mysterio, is that you?

Image Source: Imgur

2. Batman getting his freak on.

Image Source: Reddit/DrFlames2192

3. Karen, you forgot your legs again.

Image Source: Reddit/nbnw64

4. A literal pile of floof.

Image Source: Reddit/Purrogi


5. This good boi is messing about with his education.

Image Source: Imgur/theloudlaugh

6. And this one takes his photobombing duties very seriously.

Image Source: Reddit

7. Forever alone level 100000.

Image Source: Reddit/occupyfacebook

8. Creepy, but make it festive.

Image Source: Imgur

9. Being the designated driver in the group is no walk in the park.

Image Source: Reddit/staticchmbr

10. He always knew his true calling was in the sleigh-pulling business.

Image Source: Imgur

11. Ow! My brain hurts.

Image Source: Reddit/thebigreddog91

12. Peter Pan is coming to town.

Image Source: Imgur

13. Optimus Prime got a major upgrade.

Image Source: Reddit/BOC16

14. Food dreams are the best, aren't they?.

Image Source: Reddit/Nerobus

15. Wait, what?

Image Source: Reddit/danish-pastry

16. The Headless Catman?

Image Source: Reddit/greengeorgi

17. Is this a sign?

Image Source: Reddit/VermiciousKn1d

18. Double trouble.

Image Source: Reddit/nevetsprog

19. That's a lamp's reflection on a pair of sunglasses.

Image Source: Reddit/youngack

20. He believed he could fly and he did.

Image Source: Reddit/TheConfuzled

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