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TV anchor can't stop laughing after her guest has epic fail with a Zoom filter on live TV

Mark Borlace, from Australia’s Royal Automobile Association, struggled to fix the background during his interview with anchor Alice Monfries.

TV anchor can't stop laughing after her guest has epic fail with a Zoom filter on live TV
Cover Image Source: Instagram | 9newsadelaide

We've all been there, trying to keep up with new tech and apps. It's especially tough for older folks who didn't grow up with all this tech changing all the time. Sometimes they get the hang of it, but other times, things can go south pretty fast. Like that time something awkward happened during an interview on Channel 9 News in Adelaide, Australia. Mark Borlace, from Australia's Royal Automobile Association, struggled to fix the background during his chat with anchor Alice Monfries, reported Huff Post.


In a video released on the channel's Instagram handle, Borlace is seen trying to change to a plain background from an ocean background. “Thanks for your tolerance while I go through this,” Borlace said, smiling and seeing this situation with grace and a little smile. "Studio effects... How do I get back to blur... studio filters," he said as Monfries chuckled a few times in the video. Soon a pizza hat appears on his head, to which he says, "I'm going to log out and come right back in. Ok... good, awesome," Monfries replies.

The channel captioned this video, "The virtual world can be a difficult place to navigate, as this #9News guest found out today while struggling for several minutes to get the right Zoom background. Mark Borlace from the RAA left presenter Alice Monfries in stitches after he unknowingly placed a party hat filter on his head during the interview."



Comments followed quickly. "Just love this! This guy is just a pure wonderful example of not to take life too seriously, it’s all good!", wrote one user. Another comment read, "I literally laughed until I cried and then immediately watched it again and laughed until I cried again." One user even thanked the channel for sharing giggles, "This is such wholesome fun. Thank you for the giggle." "Who wouldn’t want that laugh & that gentleman’s patience on their speed dial. This is precious," wrote another user.



The news presenter, Alice Monfries, also posted this video to her Twitter account and revealed that she was "still giggling." "If only we could have run the whole thing... including his profanities. Very very funny. I'm still giggling!"



RAA also saw this epic Zoom fail by Borlace and reposted the video on its Facebook page. Their caption read, "Pizza or party hat? Even our beloved veterans of the screen at RAA struggle with Zoom backgrounds from time to time. We love you, Mark." RAA also uploaded another picture and wrote, "We're really getting into the spirit of this today - thanks to Mark's partner Monique for making the real-life emoji for us!"



In another video posted by the channel on Facebook, news anchors are seen discussing the situation. They further discuss how during the COVID-19 pandemic, technology has helped them get by, but it can still be hard to pick up new advancements. 


We love how both Borlace and Monfries did not take this embarrassing situation to heart, but chose to laugh it off!

This article originally appeared 1 year ago.

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