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Trump defends Brett Kavanaugh amidst new sexual misconduct claims: "He's an innocent man"

After it was discovered that Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh may have been guilty of numerous counts of sexual assault, President Donald Trump came to his defense again.

Trump defends Brett Kavanaugh amidst new sexual misconduct claims: "He's an innocent man"

Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, who was sworn in amidst deep controversy back in October 2018 after battling an infamous sexual harassment case filed by Palo Alto University Professor of Psychology Christine Blasey Ford, is under fire yet again. This time is not very different from the last - a new report about an alleged sexual misconduct case from his college years has emerged, CBS News reports. This, once again, calls into question his integrity as a protector of the law and has prompted Democratic 2020 Presidential candidates to call for his impeachment. There is, however, one man who continues to stand behind him: President of the United States Donald Trump, an alleged sexual assaulter himself.


After news broke of multiple women's stories being suppressed during Kavanaugh's accusation procedures, numerous 2020 Presidential candidates from the Democratic Party called for his impeachment from his role as a federal judge during the second Democratic Debates. President Trump, on the other hand, did not agree. He swiftly took to social media platform Twitter to share his opinion on the breaking news. He posted: Now the Radical Left Democrats and their partner, the LameStream Media, are after Brett Kavanaugh again, talking loudly of their favorite word, impeachment. He is an innocent man who has been treated HORRIBLY. Such lies about him. They want to scare him into turning Liberal! Brett Kavanaugh should start suing people for libel, or the Justice Department should come to his rescue. The lies being told about him are unbelievable. False accusations without recrimination. When does it stop? They are trying to influence his opinions. Can’t let that happen!


On Saturday, September 14, The New York Times reported that one of the Justice's classmates from Ivy League college Yale allegedly witnessed a freshman Kavanaugh standing with his pants down at a frat dorm party. While this may seem like harmless fun, they stated that his friends were pushing his penis into a young woman's hands. She was also a student at Yale. As per the report, the classmate had informed both senators as well as the FBI of the incident. Sadly, the FBI simply failed to investigate it.


Even worse still, another Yale classmate, Deborah Ramirez, had reported a similar incident during Kavanaugh's accusation process. She claimed that he pulled his pants downs at yet another drunken dorm party and thrust his penis at her without her consent. She responded by immediately swatting it away. According to The New York Times report, seven different people were able to corroborate the traumatic story, with all of them stating that they heard of the incident even before Kavanaugh assumed his position as a Supreme Court Justice last year.


Though this paints quite the terrifying picture of who may be deciding the fate of American law, it is even more disheartening to learn about how the FBI, with a keen sense of awareness, knowingly botched an entire investigation in order to protect Kavanaugh. While it has been suggested that the timetable set by Congressional leadership may have severely limited the FBI's ability to conduct a thorough investigation, their mishandling may result in irreparable damages to the sanctity of the United States Supreme Court, not to mention the negative message it sends millions of sexual assault survivors across America. Action is yet to be taken against Justice Kavanaugh, but it can only be hoped that he will finally be held accountable for his terrible actions.


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