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Trump adviser Stephen Miller tried to push a racist, white supremacist agenda, emails reveal

When Ilhan Omar suggested Miller may be a white supremacist earlier this year, no one believed her. A new report by the Southern Poverty Law Center may prove her right.

Trump adviser Stephen Miller tried to push a racist, white supremacist agenda, emails reveal

It turns out that Democratic House Representative Ilhan Omar was right after all - White House adviser Stephen Miller may have been trying to promote white supremacy in policy at the federal level. In several of his emails uncovered recently by the Southern Poverty Law Center, Miller "promoted white nationalist literature and racist propaganda" to infamous conservative news site Breitbart. Portions of his emails from 2015 and 2016 were published to the non-profit group's Hatewatch blog, The New York Times reports. The "casual way" in which he promoted a racist agenda should be considered appalling, believe experts, especially because the number of violent hate crimes in the US has skyrocketed since the Trump administration came into power.


Michael Edison Hayden of Hatewatch said in an official news release, "Americans should be terrified by the casual way that Stephen Miller, who has enormous influence in the White House, shares racist content and speaks the language of white nationalists in emails to people he apparently considered fellow travelers." Additionally, as per the organization, no examples were found of Miller "writing sympathetically or even in neutral tones about any person who is nonwhite or foreign-born." Surely, any White House administration would be apprehensive about protecting such an individual. However, this is evidently not the case.



White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham - who is yet to hold a single press conference since assuming the position - "lashed out" at the Southern Poverty Law Center and their report (though she confirmed that officials were yet to see it). "They libel, slander, and defame conservatives for a living," she affirmed. "They are beneath public discussion." Nonetheless, there is no doubt that Miller's involvement in immigration policy is of utmost importance should his white nationalist agenda prove to be more than just circumstantial. Among several other topics, many of his emails included discussions about border and immigration stories, a dystopian novel popular among far-right voters about violent migrants who invaded France, and Confederate flags.


Perhaps there is only one individual who has seen vindication since the revelation of Miller's emails - Representative Ilhan Omar. In April this year, she posted a 21-word tweet calling Miller a “white nationalist,” following which Twitter was ablaze with criticism. Since then, she has "resurrected her incendiary tweet" to prove that she was perhaps right all along. She reiterated a recent tweet, "As I said earlier this year: Stephen Miller is a white nationalist. And now we have the emails to prove it. This type of racism and hatred has no place in our government. Miller needs to step down. Now." And truer words were never said.



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