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Transfer station workers come through for 'heartbroken' woman with hunt for an invaluable lost item

Dennis Senibaldi was happy to help a woman find her most valued possession just a day before Thanksgiving. 'That's why I work here.'

Transfer station workers come through for 'heartbroken' woman with hunt for an invaluable lost item
Cover Image Source: Facebook | Dennis Senibaldi

People who cover general services like electricians, plumbers and other utility workers hold great importance in people’s lives. Though not much acknowledged, their jobs are as crucial as any other and require tremendous hard work and commitment. 7News reported that a woman had lost a priceless possession in New Hampshire and believed that she may have accidentally thrown it out a day before Thanksgiving. It was one of the utility service workers and their team who came to her rescue with their added efforts to help her find her precious object.

Representative Image Source: Cottonbro Studio
Representative Image Source: Pexels| Cottonbro Studio

Couples hold on to their wedding ring as a priceless possession, which reflects the love and commitment they hold for each other and their marriage. Having lost the same must have been a time of turmoil for the couple. However, the woman arrived at the transfer station to seek help. The woman spoke to the General Services Director of Windham, Dennis Senibaldi. She mentioned that the ring may have accidentally gone with the trash while it was being taken by her husband to be thrown out. “She gave me some particulars: at what time her husband threw the trash out, what was in the trash bag, what kind of car he was driving,” Senibaldi said. 

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Irina Iriser
Representative Image Source: Pexels| Irina Iriser

The man immediately decided to look at the surveillance cameras to begin his search. “We were able to track when he was here, exactly what time he threw the trash out and where the trash in the trailer was located,” he said. Without further ado, Senibaldi went to the trailer where the trash was. However, unfortunately, the couple’s trash, as Senibaldi explained, “was literally the first scoop into the trailer.” It meant trouble and that it would take digging, removing and emptying the trailer to reach the bottom. “That’s 12 feet down from the top of the trailer that we had to dig through to find her one bag,” Senibaldi said.


Senibaldi and his team had to get 20 tons of trash out before they could reach the couple’s trash bag. He mentioned that identifying the items in the trash and knowing what time it was thrown played a massive role in retrieving the bag. After their rigorous search for over 2 hours, Senibaldi and his team successfully found the ring and called up the woman to return the same. “Talking to her on Wednesday, she was completely heartbroken. Friday, when she came in, she was happy as can be, gave me a big hug and was very thankful. It was just a good ending to a story for Thanksgiving,” he said.


Sharing his experience on Facebook, Senibaldi revealed, “In hockey, they would call this a hat-trick. (ring #3) This beautiful diamond ring was successfully returned to its owner. My team and I started at 7:30 a.m. today removing trash with the excavator and accomplished the mission at 10:00 a.m.” He was not only glad but also grateful for the opportunity to help out. “We are public servants and I think this really brings the meaning of public service. That’s why I work here,” Senibaldi concluded. 


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