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Toddler has dramatic meltdown over mom’s hair appointment and it hits home for parents everywhere

The woman was deeply touched by the video and found her baby's reaction to not finding her quite funny.

Toddler has dramatic meltdown over mom’s hair appointment and it hits home for parents everywhere
Toddler has the most wholesome and hilarious reaction to mom leaving for a hair appointment. Cover Image Source: TikTok | @taylor_lynn712

Toddlers tend to show their love for their parents in different ways. Every little thing might matter a lot to them as most of their lives revolve around their parents. Some such incidents can be quite memorable. A mom had a similar experience when she left for her hair appointment and received a video of her son that was both heartbreaking and hilarious. The mom, Taylor, who goes by @taylor_lynn712 on TikTok, took to the platform to share the moment with the internet and many people could relate to it.

Baby cries after mom leaves for her hair appointment. Image Source: TikTok | @taylor_lynn712
Baby cries after mom leaves for her hair appointment. Image Source: TikTok | @taylor_lynn712

"POV: Mommy leaves for a hair appointment and your husband sends you this," the text overlay of the video read. The camera turned to the little boy sitting on the stairs and holding a photo of him with his mom. He kept looking at the photo and crying throughout the video. The kid pointed at his mom's picture and then pointed at himself and continued crying, perhaps because he couldn't find his mom anywhere. The caption to the post read, "Break my heart, will ya?" The video received more than 16 million views and over three million likes. Many people took to the comments section of the video to express their thoughts on the incident and to share their own experiences.

Image Source: TikTok | @sirbootsthecat
Image Source: TikTok | @sirbootsthecat
Image Source: TikTok | @stylee
Image Source: TikTok | @stylee

@jessr86 wrote, "How dare you leave him to be a single dad! While this is hilarious, you deserve to have a moment so enjoy your time mama." @amairaniicervantes commented, "The way I’d text back 'damn that’s crazy' and put my phone on do not disturb." @jenni_rth remarked, "Ya'll are cut-throat. Maybe he wasn't TRYING to guilt her, just showing her how much her Baby missed her. Not everything is under bad pretenses." @victoriafairchild6 shared, "Now where did he get that photo? Cmon dad. Soothe the baby. Don’t record and send it to mom who deserves a guilt-free day." @thefeethunter expressed, "'Mother, where art thou? Forlorn I have suffered millennia without your grace... I developed such emotions that when I see a picture of you, I cry as I think of the times we shared.'"

As many people commented that the woman shouldn't feel guilty about self-care, the mom shared a follow-up video. In the video, the baby was crying in his room and found a photo of his mom on the nightstand, which made him cry even more as he left his room. To show that she wasn’t feeling guilty after watching the video, the mom shared a photo of herself relaxing during her appointment and eating something. The caption read, "He got the photo from his nightstand. But it’s ok y’all, I didn’t feel guilty. I enjoyed it."

Mom shares how the baby found her photo and what she felt about the video. Image Source: TikTok | @taylor_lynn712
Mom shares how the baby found her photo and what she felt about the video. Image Source: TikTok | @taylor_lynn712

In another update, the mom shared her son's reaction as she asked him if he loved her upon returning from the appointment. In the video, the mom asked, "Do you love me?" He simply said no. "Why?" she asked. "Because I love myself," the toddler replied while jumping up and down. "Why? Is it because I went to the hair appointment yesterday?" the mom joked, but the toddler refused to answer her question.

Mom asks toddler if he loves her. Image Source: TikTok | @taylor_lynn712
Mom asks toddler if he loves her. Image Source: TikTok | @taylor_lynn712

You can follow Taylor (@taylor_lynn712) on TikTok for more lifestyle content.

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