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Toddler siblings ordering food for themselves 'better than adults' at restaurant is simply wholesome

The little duo knows exactly what they want from the menu and orders it for themselves before their parents speak on their behalf.

Toddler siblings ordering food for themselves 'better than adults' at restaurant is simply wholesome
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @amycoleman

Taking toddlers to restaurants can be a nightmare for many parents. They might start crying without a warning and whine for something they want or run all over the place while disrupting the service. But it seems these kids in a popular TikTok video are built differently. Amy Coleman—who goes by @amycoleman on TikTok—moved with her children to Ireland from the United States and she keeps documenting her life in the Irish cities with her two kids. She has recently posted a video on how disciplined her toddlers are.

 Image Source: TikTok | @amycoleman
Image Source: TikTok | @amycoleman

In the short clip, an overlay text reads, "Watching my 4-year-old and 2-year-old order at a restaurant." The 4-year-old son of Coleman is the first one to place his order as the waitress appears offscreen. "Can I have a kid's meal of spaghetti bolognese and apple juice?" the boy confidently asks and the waitress responds with "great." Then it was his little sister's turn to order, who was flashing a cute smile at the waitress. She struggles to pronounce "pepperoni," possibly requesting to order a pepperoni pizza. Thankfully, her big brother steps in and helps her to complete the order consisting of a pepperoni pizza and another apple juice from the kid's meal section. The waitress confirms their orders again and the video cuts off.

Fellow TikTok users were left in awe as they applauded how polite and confident these kids were while ordering at a posh restaurant. People left a bunch of wholesome comments to applaud them and appreciate their parents for raising them well. @emjay75 wrote, "Montessori kids look people in the eyes and confidently ask for what they want/need." @puppers1322 commented, "As someone who has worked in the service industry for a long time, I love polite kids that order for themselves." @judgejude0 noted, "He's so confident ordering and she just sits there with her cheeky grin and pepperoni and apple juice."

Image Source: TikTok | @meggiedee
Image Source: TikTok | @meggiedee

@stillme wondered, "And I have never heard of a place that has spaghetti bolognese with a kid's meal. So cute." Coleman replied to this comment and wrote they were dining at an Irish restaurant called The Chubby Cherub in Belfast, known for its Italian cuisine. @mothership27 remarked, "Love how big brother helps her order. He waited for her to try but then made sure she was understood." @momart1719 complimented, "I work in an Italian restaurant and he pronounced spaghetti bolognese better than adults do!" In another popular video, Coleman continues to film her toddlers riding on little scooters throughout the city while wearing helmets as they get noticed and greeted by strangers on skateboards.

Intelligent and well-spoken kids can be great to manage, but often, some parents worry that their kids are growing up too fast. It all got a bit too much for a mom recently as a particularly annoying habit of her 4-year-old left her fearing that she's been raising a little "mansplainer." Worried that her son would grow up to be an insufferable man who believes he knows everything when he clearly doesn't, she wrote into Slate's "Care and Feeding" advice column for help.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | 100 files
Representative Image Source: Pexels | 100 files

"Am I raising a mansplainer? My son is almost five and he has always been very voluble and also willful. For the past few months, he has taken to interrupting us when we are talking and saying, 'Actually'," the mother explained. "He does this to both of us, his mother and his father, my spouse. It occurs when we are explaining things to him, and of course, he is always really wrong because he is four and these are often topics that we have a Ph.D. in." She further wrote wondering if his behavior is age-typical and asked for advice. Responding to the mom's plea for help, author Emily Gould assured her that she does not need to worry about her son turning into a mansplainer just yet.

You can follow Amy Coleman (@amycoleman) on TikTok for more videos on gentle parenting and lifestyle.

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