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Toddler adorably refuses to accept his position as the 'youngest' has been taken away by baby brother

The toddler's first meeting with his newborn brother goes haywire as he throws a sweet tantrum at no longer being the 'youngest'.

Toddler adorably refuses to accept his position as the 'youngest' has been taken away by baby brother
Cover Image Source: TikTok/@alexserraes

Welcoming a new member of the family is not always the greatest experience for toddlers. They have to change the way their world is functioning and adjust to a new presence in it. Moreover, the youngest ones in the family have to contend with the reality that someone might get the same kind of attention that they enjoy. The reality that the privilege of being the "baby" of the family might be taken away is a tough pill to swallow. It might take them some time to see the perks of being older. This predicament was in full display when Benjamin came face to face for the first time with his newborn brother Theo, as reported by Today.

Image Source: TikTok/@alexserraes
Image Source: TikTok/@alexserraes

@alexserraes shared a hilarious video featuring her two youngest kids, meeting for the first time. Serraes has recently welcomed her third son, and could not wait to introduce him to everyone in the family. She had her own expectations about how the moment could go but it was unlike anything that she could ever imagine. Benjamin, showed a range of emotions and mood swings, in his first meeting. Initially, he was intrigued by seeing the new baby and seemed interested in knowing more about him, which changed later on.

Image Source: TikTok/@alexserraes
Image Source: TikTok/@alexserraes

The video had the caption, "When you’re just not ready to give up being the youngest yet...." Serraes shared the conversation she and her partner had with Benjamin, “When we asked Benjamin if he wanted to take a picture, he was so excited and kept holding his arms out. I was thinking, ‘Oh my gosh, this is going surprisingly well.’” But everything flipped on its head when after having Theo on his lap for a while, Benjamin seemed as if he was struck by an epiphany. In confusion, he removed Theo from his lap, and stretched his arms for his grandmother, yelling, "get."

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A post shared by Alex Serraes (@alex_serraes)


Serraes, a third-grade teacher, is not worried about Benjamin's reaction. Her understanding is, “I think part of it is Benjamin didn’t realize what was in my belly. Even when he walked into the hospital room, he didn't notice the baby. He hadn't seen me and his dad in two days and he was so excited. Then he saw Theo and was like, 'What is happening?'" Serraes also introduced her oldest son, Luke to Theo, behind the scenes. This one was much more smooth, as per the mother.

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The mother shared an update, regarding the relationship between brothers. “What’s funny is Benjamin is now obsessed with Theo — and my oldest one, he likes Theo, but he sort of wants to do his own thing,” Serraes says. Benjamin has completely fallen in love with his role as an elder brother. Serraes talks about how he climbs up on tables and screams, to get Theo's attention. Every morning, he makes sure to land a kiss on Theo's forehead.

Image Source: TikTok/@paulajones215
Image Source: TikTok/@paulajones215


Image Source: TikTok/@leokery
Image Source: TikTok/@leokery

The comment section found the brother's reaction adorable. @meenakashi31970 found the whole predicament funny, "Ya he's like 'OK pic taken now get that thing off me.'" @essykimz loves how attached Benjamin, is to his position in the family, "He said, take him back where you got him from. I am the youngest of the family this one is a no."

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