As the mom persistently asks the toddler if he loves her, he gives an equally persistent response that has left the internet in splits.
For many kids, the world revolves around their mom, especially when they are toddlers. However, for this one, that is probably not the case. A mom uploaded a video on TikTok in which she asks her toddler multiple times if he loves her and the toddler gives the same heartbreaking response every time. Addie McCracken—who goes by @addie_mccracken123 on TikTok—starts the video by asking, "Do you love mommy?" The toddler shakes his head and says, "No." She looks sad and says, "Oh." In the next shot, the mom is filling color in a drawing as her toddler watches her. She asks, "Do you see mommy color?" The toddler says, "Yeah." The mother takes her chance and asks her toddler again if he loves her, but he again says no. Now, the mom and toddler are sitting close to an open fridge when the mom poses the question again but still gets a negative response.
Now, hearing that your child loves you is quite a precious thing, so it is a given that McCracken doesn't give up. She again asks her toddler if he loves her while he colors happily, but he again says no. Then she uses a different trick and asks the toddler if he loves Dada, and the toddler says no again. At least he feels the same for both his parents. McCracken also asks, "Do you love doggies?" He says no again. She also asks him if he had fun and he replies with his usual answer. Maybe the child isn't easily pleased. The mother is persistent and asks the toddler if he loves her again but to no avail. The mom asks the toddler, "Are you my best friend," to which the toddler says no once again.
One might believe that no is the toddler's signature answer and has nothing to do with what is being asked. However, in one shot, the mom asks the toddler, "Are you eating noodles?" he replies, "Yeah." However, as soon as she asks if the toddler had fun, he replies with "No" again. The mom and son are gardening in the final shot when the mom asks if the son loves her, but he says no. It is both hilarious and heartbreaking to hear the toddler's response and to see the mom's sad face each time she gets an answer.
The video went viral, garnering nearly 53 million views. People took to the comments to reassure the mom. @prettybullyinthestreet commented, "The no stage is hilarious, just use it back like, do you want a treat? No? He's gonna say yes eventually." @kadiglio commented, "I asked a kid at my job the other day if he was having fun and he said 'no….and I don’t like you' OKAY." @alldr0 tried to explain what the child might be doing, "It seems like they're saying no to any 'abstract' questions and only saying yeah to the things that are concrete (what they're seeing, eating, etc)." The mom has also posted another clip, where the toddler gives her no for an answer every time he asks her if he loves her.
You can follow Addie McCracken (@addie_mccracken123) on TikTok for more family-based content.
This article originally appeared 3 months ago.