'Please remind him to turn the unit over in the same condition or better than when his lease started,' a user commented.
Editor's note: This article was originally published on February 24, 2023. It has since been updated.
Having a new baby means making space for them in the house, from arranging a crib to having a designated baby room for the little one. One such set of parents did it in a hilarious way by putting up an eviction notice on their older son's crib, as they are soon set to welcome another baby. The photo with the printed note was posted on Reddit and read, "Eviction Notice—Please note that you are required to vacate the premises by October 19th as a new tenant will be moving in. Sincerely, Mum & Dad." There is an ultrasound image attached to the notice. In the first of the two pictures, the child wearing a green top and grey pajamas can be seen looking at the notice. In the second one, he is seen crying.
The post has about 3,900 upvotes and is captioned, "Just evicted my rentoid son for being 1 minute late on rent." Many on Reddit loved that the parents were teaching him the concept of rent from a young age. One Reddit user commented, "Teach them to tip from a young age, this is good parenting." u/proxxzilla wrote, Please remind him to turn the unit over in the same condition or better than when his lease started. If he has no deposit then just file the collection anyways. Your property, your rules!" u/Beeglawish-Deekcok commented, "60 whole seconds? A bit generous don’t you think?"
Talking about making adjustments for a baby, a dad was hailed on the internet for his innovative ways to enjoy football without waking his baby. In a video shared on Tiktok by Makenzie Waters, her husband can be seen watching a football match on TV, he is trying his best to make minimum noise. The caption reads, "He learned his lesson." As soon as his team scores a goal, he can't hold back his happiness and can be seen going a little further, rejoicing and saying, "Yes, yes!" To avoid any sound while clapping he is wearing oven mittens. He then comes back to his chair and continues clapping and saying, Let's go, let's go!" Luckily, the child was still asleep by the end of the video.
The video was so relatable that it garnered more than 8.6 million views and is captioned, "One half down and baby Coop is still asleep." Many on Tiktok couldn't stop laughing about how the father tried to keep it low. @keyairasell97 wrote, "That man loved you and that baby so much! There ain’t no football fans like Cowboys fans." @kerileighk said, "him grabbing that beer with both mitts has me dying." phyriley wrote, "Omg such a good dad haha he’s trying sooooo hard to hold in the excitement haha." @elliemelliellie said, "I was gonna ask what the oven mitts were for and then he clapped."
Many parents on the platform could relate to the dad. @6catsandturtle wrote, "lol this was my husband too, my babies are in their rooms though." @austinmichaelvang said, "I can relate. I was watching Natty in the hospital with my newborn!" @ashers490 wrote, "The damn oven mitts to prevent the loud clapping! My husband needs that."